An easier method for reversing using straight silver nitrate

tbf if you’re asking about spray, you should take it to one of the many threads about sts spraying instead of the only one that isn’t :wink::v:


Yes that is fair lol. Even said it myself.

Got what I needed right :joy:. Thank you :pray:


thank you, i have the syringes and silver nitrate ready to go.

the 20 units was what i could not remember, thanks again.


anyone ever tried this with colloidal Silver?


Keep us updated , let us know how it goes, What type of syringes are you using…


i am at work so i will check when i get home, but i think it is 25 gauge needle? using the method above.
i got a ten pack of them on amazon for like five bucks. just search for 1ml syringe with needle.


found this study from 1979 thought yall might want to give it a read. @slain since you mentioned colbalt you might really want to read this one.


I’ve reversed a number of ladies in the backyard this year (single branch, sprayed) with Chrysal Alesco. I used a single application the first week of August. We’ve got bananas and I’m hoping to see that ‘improved viability of the pollen produced’.


Ah that’s good news! I should pick up a bottle sometime :thinking:

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Also seems more economical then making sts as well. A tenth of that bottle will make about a gallon of spray.

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It’s expensive.


Would have to be a trusting group buy…

If that’s true @ $136.00USD / 10 = $13.60 each = about what I spent for STS supplies for the few times I use it in small batches…

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Can you get it in smaller amounts?

Did the silver nitrate vaccination work out?

Stock STS stuff I found on CheeseBay in small cheap quantities

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I think I didn’t get enough injected and it only stunted the plant.
I’ll try again with better equipment on my next run.
Just sprouted some seeds…once I took some cuttings I’ll give it another shot.

Little hint:
Don’t get that stuff on any surface…it leaves the worst stains I’ve seen in a long time.
Luckily my mother-in-law knew how to get rid of them.
I literally gave up. It felt like it acid burned the surface…only the lord knows what she used 🫤


Please ask her what she used to remove the stain. I’d like to know. Don’t ask me why.


Lol…yeah, I will ask her…but it took her ages. It wasn’t a joyride :roll_eyes:

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Hi @slain Thank you so much for this thread. I’ve used both CS and STS with varied results. I’ve had difficulties with CS not reversing and with STS rendering sterile pollen.
I’ve got two very smallLemonThai cuts I’d like to reverse. They’re one week out of the cloner and approximately 2-3 inches tall.

I have an insulin syringe and plenty of silver nitrate. Do you think they’re too small to inject? I don’t have time to let them grow bigger, as I would need the pollen by the end of September to hit my outdoor plants.


Sounds to me that you hit and then 12/12 flip? I am not sure how it would work while flowering. I wonder if 18 ga needle more practical than the whimpy 30 ga needle? 100 mg in 10 ml of water is like 10k ppm of that stuff seriously high amount but plant survives on 20 hit? Will be giving this a try and hope this works. I wonder if you injected a male with some florel it would do the same thing? Maybe 1000 ppm into main stem?

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