An envelope method of sending cuts(unrooted), potentially across the border

Their expensive


Yes … we’ve done a few containers for this method… still trying to improve. If you have any ideas. Let’s have them @Neoangelo147 :v::green_heart:


waiting for october.


I’m going to start working on something now. I was supposed to be done with the prototype but got distracted :rofl:. I saw your design @Bobgrows I like it! I’m thinking something thin-walled maybe 2 layers thick all the way around and with middle support so it doesn’t get crushed.

I wanna be able to print them quickly so if we need to supply a bunch the print time won’t be so long. I print with 0.6 nozzles on most of my larger prints this helps with strength and also overall print time. I’ll see what I can come up with. I kinda have an idea already. I’ll post the prototype here once it’s done. :slight_smile:


Here is my take on it. I’ll be test-printing it now.

I tried adding some 2mmx 5mm magnets but the thickness requirements just won’t work with good magnetics. I’m thinking once you have it closed you can seal the whole thing with a piece of painter’s tape around the edge this will make the lid even more secure.


After all the kinks are taken out of the design I’ll need someone to test one out for me. I can send an empty one for testing to make sure it can be sent through normal envelope mail without being crushed or damaged.


This is awesome! I could be off-base here, but would a couple pinholes near the “top” of where the cutting goes provide any benefit in regards to small offgassing/exchange of oxygen through the envelope? I’m not thinking big, just a couple that are small enough to let the most minimal amount of breathing happen should the delivery take more than a few days.

It could also lead to issues such as drying out, or maybe that’s not even necessary with a fresh cut that you want to focus on rooting. If that’s the case, forgive me, I had a couple beers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Awesome design.


Test print in action


Here is an update on the prototype print. So I tested the thickness in an envelope and got the following thickness. Shaving a bit off the thickness from the design won’t be a problem. The cool thing is this design is flexible and shouldn’t have a problem going through the rollers but only testing will give me the answer to this.

With cardstock sheets on each side.

Without Cardstock sheets

Total weight

without envelope:

With envelope:


With FDM Printing there will always be tiny and even microscopic holes in between the layers. This and maybe not adding full tape around the edges will allow for oxygen exchange. Maybe someone with more experience than I have with packing clones will be able to help answer that.


I will give it a whirl if you like ?
I’m in eu ( uk ) and will post on to Germany or Spain loaded
Looks great


The only thing I can think off is

Is it possible to make it with slight spring , like both flat sides slightly bowed out

When post woman tries it in her slot it easily flattens to go thru but boings back open abit after , giving cuts a few mm extra room/ space in transit
Like around edge is 5mm as guide into slot but Center bowed out but collapses as it goes thru slot , kind of

Boing , is that a 3d printer industry term haha

Maybe a boing in her slot will be frowned upon ?

Hard to word lol


Everybody loves some boing in her slot my friend, everybody lol.

And towards 3d print industry terminology towards your boinginess is most

image a term we all use lol


Great ideas in this thread

I’m from Aus, just make sure if you send snips they are free from pests and diseases. Being isolated geographically we don’t have the hardier resistant pests that I’ve heard about overseas.

In saying that, love this thread. Hope it didn’t come across as rude.


I’m sure lots of thrips and mites come into Australia :australia: on passengers


Who are you trying to fool?:fist:t3: I’ve seen pictures!

I’m pretty sure this :arrow_up: is because all y’all’s stuff eats anything that comes in! Those Huntsman spiders… my house would have 12 gauge holes everywhere which probably isn’t good for keeping spiders out! :joy: :crazy_face::fist:t3::feather::feather:


That’s an really amazing design. I’m glad we are more who’s working on this idea :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:



I would love to volunteer for that, this would be an incredible chance for the international community.


A while back @Rhino_buddy sent me a couple snips of a MOB plant. Here it is today, grown and ready to be up-potted and flipped.


I think I know what you mean but let me see if we are on the same page. Do you mean taper the ends so they go through the rollers more easily?

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