An envelope method of sending cuts(unrooted), potentially across the border

Here is the new design with the tapered edge. I will be test-printing this tomorrow. Let me know what you guys think. The tapered edge should make going through the rollers easier.


Great ideas in here folks. Another idea, laser or CNC cut plywood

I make flips from it and its the perfect thickness, light, cheap ish and really you just need a clone shaped gap in the middle.

3D printing is cool too, but very slow. CNC/laser tools are

much faster (I.e. cheaper)

If I get bored later I’ll make one

Options anyway

Could get really fancy and put some surface mount LEDs in there on a coin battery and micro timer…:smiley:


I got bored

On a shitty diode laser, runtime around 6 minutes. On the CNC probably run time of 10 seconds or so

Time is money with this sort of thing


Looks interesting for sure. What is the thickness of something like this?


You can get different thicknesses of laser ply this one is 4mm IIRC but id need to double check that. 4mm, 6mm are common. It’s perfect for standard letter when backed with card


Relaxed it’s a nice 4.5-5 mm

Envelope , two pieces of cereal box cut to size and a wooden bbq squer


Is flexability just a USA thing ?

So from eu to usa flexible just to be safe ( under radar ) cut squers into 3-4 pieces

Can eu to eu be ridged or does it have to be flexible also ?

I can’t find anything about that


Looks great I’d give it a try

But the more flexible the better

I’ve seen the postal worker flex the envelope with cuts in it to see how ridged it was


When they flexed @Papalag
Was it just long ways ? Or did they try and taco canoe it also ?

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Longways not side to side

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Thanks paps
The devil is in the details
: )


@LonelyOC’s 3D printed case for cuts was quite rigid, and afaik we all received it within EU without problems.


Was it 5mm in total ?
Or was it deeper for clones

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I don’t have my caliper at hands but it’s close to 8mm total.

A standard letter mus be no more than 5 mm ( in uk )

Was it posted as a large letter , not as standard letter ?

A large letter can be 25mm

But if postin outside eu only standard letter requires no customs form

Eu to eu no customs forms needed for any size I think


That was standard letter format. Maybe the post in lonely’s country has different rules, don’t know, but it landed. Maybe he’ll remember later, I did not keep the envelope, just the case :smiley:

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Be nice to find out the different quirks for countries around the world


What’s your country size for standard letter ? @funkyfunk and
Flexible or non flexible ?

Yeah, though I think if the sender is taking care of that part, there’s good chance once a letter is accepted in the post system and crosses borders, there little chance it’s returned. Too much of a hassle for the postal services. Or it ends in a bin :confused: As long as it leaves there’s chances it lands.

I didn’t check my own country rules, I should, I will! :smiley:

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Do they state for yours that it needs to be flexible? My understanding is that the concern is about rollers in the US postal system, hence all the flexible/non flexible researches.