An envelope method of sending cuts(unrooted), potentially across the border

Rollers are everywhere I think

The flexability is what post woman check in the usa , just cuz it’s the rules ? Not sure why

No info on flexability for my postin that I can find here

That’s a new one on me. I bet using something like nylon would be the trick then

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Very grey area , how flexible is flexible lol

Some postmen are maybe more zealots than others

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@funkyfunk we must adjust for the over zealous

If they feel tooo much resistance they might be tempted to push it further or bitch about it

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Probably too technical but a couple of tiny loose pin hinges might be nice for 3d printers to think about ?

But that my take away the simple fun

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I’ll post a video demonstrating the flexibility later today.


I meant nylon filament for 3d printer. I think you are overthinking it honestly

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Here’s a letter about it from postmaster Paula. 🫶🏼

But I think it’s really at the discretion of the individual that the mail comes across. I have learned that you can send a rigid letter through the mail(solid sticks) with a non machinable stamp. No issues other than a couple extra days transit using that method.

For sending across the border, I haven’t tried non machinable, but go with the cut sticks or that rubberized garden tie wire. That way the envelope doesn’t get caught up in the rollers. It’s been very successful.


Unfortunately there are lots of Paula s out there
: )

Haha sorry @Even was just my poor attempt at a joke
: )


Here is the last prototype with the tapered edges.

Flex Test


Wow cooool
Love the video as well
: )


I can see this is the end of my arts and crafts
Projects ! wow I’ll miss my cut pieces of a cereal box and styrofoam to make a card
I really like these plastic things

What would they cost ?


My cost for them would be about $2.99 each plus shipping cost. If you are in the US ground USPS shipping for a few won’t cost more than $5.

Before I do that though I would like to test a few out. If you are interested in one I can send one for free just pay shipping cost. If I send in envelope with stamps it shouldn’t take more than 2-3 stamps for anywhere in the US. The weight comes out to 2.9oz with the envelope , clone shipper and 2 pieces of card stock one on each side.


A good read @George
: )


You can buy for "collectionism’ … :rofl:

I’m not able to root my own cuttings so no way to investigate on the subject … :sweat_smile:


I’m only a pm away : )


Just want to update everyone on the original clone shipper design prototype. It was test shipped and did not make it with stamps only due to weight and did take some damage going through rollers. I have redesigned a smaller version, which is a lot less weight and size and it can be shipped using birthday card. The birthday card should help protect the case going through the rollers but it would have to be tested again to make sure.

Size of clone shipper. 6inch x 3inch x 0.19 inch

Weight with envelope, clone shipper and bday card.

Weight of clone shipper only


Is this to get by legal reasons or to just keep cuttingd safe from damage?


Received snips across the boarder from my bro @ifish

Worked well. Thank you.