An ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure

Word and, I love both, I love marijuana, I love those solo cup grows, never did it but I love it.
Most were pure hydro, amazing. I’m trying to get in on The Cup Challenge.
I love @Vernal, (Reminds me of me pop, a banker that saw no sense in new e-commerce.) he helps make conversation and I’m sure in a lot of topics he’s on point. Love @foreigner, always good speak.
It is about love right, love of marijuana!
OVERGROW THE WORLD, that’s why you’re here…




I love the soil vs hydro argument it’s very entertaining. At the end of the day though dank is grown with either. The plant dgaf so long as it’s healthy. As far as ease goes that’s dependent more on what you can afford. I’m sure a chilled rdwc or flood tray systems with automated ph/ec stuff is easier than hand watering a bunch of pots. But managing a bunch of individual dwc buckets is a giant pain in the ass compared to hand watering a bunch of pots.

Shit just comes down to scale, resources and last but not least personal preference.


Oughta Likes But This Is aBig One For YOu

And @GrainFedEWC , where are you, oh over there, heres what I’d love to have done this last 60 days
instead of harvesting 648 lbs.
Courtesy Of @anon98660487


I consider hydro like a form of IPM. I do my best to not create homes for bugs by brining soil into my house lol. Nothing but plant and water makes me feel safer in that regard :smile:


Here I go again…
Anybody bake there dirt before indoor grows anymore?

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I bake myself. Dirt gets thrown in a tub & reamended

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That’s ocean forest soil that plant is in :rofl:

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It’s frikkin priceless.

Used Promix gets thrown down the organics chute. Irony.


Chemicals Kill! :skull_and_crossbones:
There is no debate between organics and synthetics. Just about everyone knows it produces the best weed (when done properly) unless you’re trying to convince a noob. It’s called CRAFT CANNABIS and it’s NOT grown with synthetics.


Ry ruv rorganisms

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Not even good bottles nutes lol

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How many people have died from weed grown with synthetic fertilizers?

I’ll wait…

Literally all matter is chemicals, BTW. Ricin, morphine, tetraodoxin, anthrax, botulinum, are completely all natural. Crack cocaine is an all natural plant extract. It’s an utterly pointless distinction.


Organic produce tastes better …as does organic/soil bud imo. More to plant growth than just rote NPK

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I take it you’ve never been an organic grower? Synthetic nutrients are not made from renewable resources and manufacturers use a lot of energy to produce them, which is bad for the environment. My main point was the best weed is grown with organics…small batch craft cannabis!! It’s already been proven YEARS AGO :peace_symbol:


The finest scientific data uses all capital letters for emphasis.


I really don’t think there’s a big difference in quality. But sustainability is the main reason I switched.