Annnnnnnnd Here it comes!

First line of the first paragraph: “We all survived the apparent ‘climate apocalypse’ corporate media warned about this summer with endless headlines about how the world would imminently erupt into a giant fireball.”

…yeah, ok. I didn’t read any further than that. Biased source, possibly more interested in bashing the media establishment than forecasting the weather. However accurate the predictions, though, his writing is inflammatory enough that I’d call this obviously political if it were posted on here.


Thanks for the summary… I moused over the link and saw the URL and thought “uh, no thonx” but I was somewhat curious.


this is what i see on almanac and so far im still trusting their forcasts

i might harvest some in november by the way some looks

I don’t like this news! @Lobstah :grimacing::slightly_smiling_face:
I’m in Southern Ontario, I have had outdoor plants survive cold/frost with my help before. And yes, the growing and ripening slows down with the cold.
I don’t know if you had a grow going outdoors last year, but November 2022 was unseasonably warm.
I made it through a few frosts that October, but when the warm weather came back the plants took off again and I was able to harvest ripe plants. :+1:

Good luck with your plants. :sun_with_face:

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57*/42* are my temps on the 13th…no problem.
Just stop raining already!

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It’s been 20C in here all summer.

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i wasn’t talking politics, i was talking idiots. nice of you to chime in though, self selecting is a thing i guess. have a great weekend.

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Looks like were getting a cold snap here too…

Pretty sure the choice to use the original link as a source about the weather forcast is the origin of going away from talking about plants.

On the opposite side of the pacific the El Niño is causing very hot and dry conditions, on the east coast of Australia we are in for a dry season with high fire risk. Gonna be an interesting year that’s for sure!

Post deleted.
Too spicy :kissing_heart: