Announcement/general discussion thread about changes to seed runs

No bud, all this stuff has been discussed and we are fine with way they are. The Co-op is meant to help keep rare and discontinued strains in the hands of OGers. It’s not meant to be a wholesale distribution network to send ridiculous amounts of seeds to people for anyone who feels like doing a seed run.

Again, no, this has been discussed. We don’t need more to work with. The Co-op is a cash neutral venture. It is not a seed selling operation. Seeds are free, the $2 is meant to cover packaging and supplies, which it does, there is no need to change it.

Again, I have to say no. The Co-ops are incredibly efficient as they are and just became much more so with the addition of the action group. It’s hard for folks to judge since you all don’t see 90% of what is actually happening behind the scenes.

That’s a huge no. That would require OG to act like a bank and hold people’s money, that is not going to happen under any circumstances. It creates too many problems and while OG is allowing this to be hosted here it is run by the members.

Not true bud. There could be all sorts of ramifications such as tax issues. This is not a business but a non profit effort by members. As soon as you start having money involved the government wants there share. We make a point of not making money off this, only charging for supplies needed and to cover postage. All seeds are free.