Announcement/general discussion thread about changes to seed runs

Definitely understand. I thought I’d mention it, being a hardy pnw strain grown here for years…might help some people out. They should have smoke reports and breeding info on it, atleast zephyr should. He crossed it,… we will see what they say… @zephyr @Instg8ter , when you have time could you please provide any info you got from growing this strain, much appreciated. Thank you guys!


@Herbie it isn’t a rule

:+1:t3:Centrifuge tubs are fine as everything I send is in tracked bubble mailers. Flips do work better for space in the envelops. Yes, If I need to send overseas to an individual, flips in a card are better. I did repackage some into flips last time to get those across the boarder.

If you do use the tubes please stick to the smaller 0.5ml ones.

@Herbie They have a net work for their folks. Any of their overflows automatically are included in the co-op network

:green_heart: :seedling:


Couple of quick questions here-

  1. Some of us were sent seeds by Sebring and asked when they will be run by @G-paS. These seeds if we run them will be included as coops? The run will earn an overgrow badge and not have to be individually packed by those people?
  2. What is going on with the donated seeds listed in the thread that were to be coops afaik?
    Strain Donations and Breeder Match Ups for Preserving

Wooowhooo I finally found the answers I was looking for! Lol lol lol shit took took me like 3 weeks ! Lol lol oh sht I was worried sick lol I’m glad that’s done :slight_smile: thank you for your time and patience @DougDawson @G-paS and everyone else behind the scenes making this all possible y’all are the sh#+ , long live overgrow edit I should get like a door prize or something:) lol

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Dang , smh , now what ok so now I got to register? I assume it is for shipping info?

Hey @coopactiongroup during a conversation here last night, it was brought up that f2’s generally do not qualify for co-op sponsored reproduction.
In an earlier version of the cooperative outline though, I’m fairly certain that reproduction of lines preserved by the Co-op is encouraged every couple of years or so:

Obviously every 2 years would place a huge strain on the system with an ever increasing load, but i feel that ongoing preservation was the original intention of the co-op. I think @Gpaw even utilized coop preservation seeds from 2020 to keep the OG’er going (correct me if I’m wrong brother).
So here’s the question: If the intention of the cooperative is to continue reproducing these genetics every few years, and if they come from reproductions where we can clearly document their provenance (most co-op runs do), and we obviously know reproduction was done via open pollination because it was done here in the forums, shouldn’t we allow OG preserved genetics to be approved for continued reproduction?


Yes, that was 2020 from Mongobongo and a pack from the previous generation from BareFrog (not sure when that run happened).
If we store the beans properly they should be good for 5 to 10 years.



It’s really a matter of provenance. Generally when you get F2’s from outside OG you don’t have an idea of how they were F2’ed. You don’t know where they got the F1’s that they F2’ed. You don’t know if they open pollinated or selected a male cutting out all the others or selected a female cutting out all the others. You don’t know if they had hermie issues that never were spoken of. Using F2’s from an OG run means the F1’s were vetted and we all saw the grow. That is what makes the difference in those scenario’s.


Cool cool, then it would follow that f2’s that were previously vetted and distributed via the co-op could be submitted to the action group for a future reproduction; am I interpreting correctly?


Yes, reproduction’s that were done here on OG through the Co-op would generally be accepted. It’s not really about seeds being F2’s that’s the issue but more the inability to guarantee what F2’s really are when coming from outside sources. The last thing we want OG to be known for is spreading the wrong genetics around.


Agreed and understood. I take no issue with any of the standards set forth, just trying to be clear on the finer points


I understand bud. Didn’t think you were objecting to anything at all. Totally get wanting to understand the criteria being used and this is the perfect place for that discussion. I am glad you brought it up as now it is here for all to read. Was a good question.


Yet another reason I love it here! The due diligence and desire to share real genetics with the world is unmatched, in my opinion. Thanks @DougDawson and the rest of the crew!


I asked in the Spring box thread but @G-paS didn’t answer. Will we be notified if our e-check does not clear?


Idk for sure but I would think so, from the way I have seen the folks running things act , they care just as much as we do that you get and grow those seeds in your box like for real they get just as much enjoyment out of watching us grow them as we do doing it :slight_smile: good people it’s like coming home:) @Mr.Christmas


Not really the thread for this and I don’t know the process. Heck, since E-cheques are new to the system, nobody really knows the process. But I will say that the volunteers in the Co-ops do this so they can get seeds spread out to members and Overgrow the world. I am sure more information will be revealed as it becomes available. In the mean time folks just need to be patient and let us do what we do. We all have lives, jobs and other things to take care of so answers may not come as quick as everyone would like but that’s just the way it is. The answers will come so just hang in there an maybe smoke a nice Indica :wink: :v:


This is why I believed the question was appropriate for this thread, apologies. I’m in no rush for the seeds, simply wanted to re-ask the question since it appeared G-paS had missed it and others might be wondering the same thing.

I’m also more of a Sativa guy.


All good @Mr.Christmas , I totally get the question and why you asked it. Makes perfect sense. No need to apologize :v:


Hey gang, I was just considering: as we grow as a community, and the number of seed runs increase, is there currently a plan for the expansion of the co-op distribution?
We already have 4 spillover reproductions from Spring to Fall boxes, and I anticipate that in the next year or 2 that continuing spillover could potentially mean that cultivators who are approved wouldn’t be able to have their work distributed in a timely fashion, unless our distribution capacity were to increase. :thinking:


Nope, no plans. We know the numbers better than anyone and will make changes as needed so this is not an issue. If expansion is needed, it will be done. At present, it is not needed. Have faith that the action group has you covered, because, we do :v: