Another run in the two by two

I have a great feeling about your run… everything looks amazing, your rockin it brother…really making use of that tent, love it! That Purple Mendo Cheese sounds fantastic and of course a good Hawaiian strain

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Thanks man! Just trying to keep things humming.

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Is this a mini magnetic stir bar? Looking great in there bud!

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Ya! I didn’t get it for this, but it may be the best use I’ve found for it :smirk:

Alright, week 3 of flower is in the books. Here’s where we’re at:

I may come back and defoliate a bit off the top of the canopy soon, but I think (hope) the stretch is just about done now. I’m also considering a small top dress/extract for bio-stimulation going into mid/late flower. I know my soil has a lot of P K and Mg already so some small amounts of kelp/sugars + oyster/gypsum extracted for a few hours with compost would be plenty to keep things pumping.

Flower Day 1

Flower Day 14


Big stretch


Found this new friend in the tent


Looking good friend. 2*2 fam should be proud. Fire in the near future.

Would love an ID on your creature it looks similar to one that frequents my outdoor space. Found a white sticky cottony thing on a leaf similar to what’s happening near your friends head. 🤷

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Thanks man. I think this was part of its head strangely enough? It got up and flew around and the cotton followed so either it’s infected or has a fuzzy head :laughing:

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Hoping to be there after harvest :wink:

Trimmed up around the fan. Had to sacrifice a top but really it was gonna get blasted for 5+ more weeks so it wasn’t gonna be the best bud anyways. Watered in 1 tsp molasses mixed with 3-4 cups of water before lights out. Figure it’s like a night rain on a day where the plants banked a lot of carbohydrate. Microbes should be happy tonight.


So that one plant in the front was indeed monoecious. Unlucky. So I deleted it from the tent and tried my best to spread the other two plants across the remaining canopy. Not easy at this stage of flower as the stalks are starting to harden. Heard a few unpleasant cracks but they should mostly heal. Sacrificed a few tops and tried not to beat myself up too hard about it. I always tell myself I’m going to stop putting so many plants in here but I can’t help myself.

The silver lining is that I can rest a bit easier about running out of vertical space. The plants are also already quite sticky and the one in the back right corner is the Maui Waui and it’s putting on some odor as well. What would have been stacking will now just be exposed directly to the lights more or less. I cranked the lights up a tad to match the old canopy readings and will make any needed adjustments to the plants after they bounce back from this training.


Upped the humidity a bit. Day 28 or so. Recovery after the monoecious plant was removed has gone pretty decently, hopefully they didn’t experience too much stress.


Have a compost extract spinning up now. Gonna scope it again tomorrow morning before lights out. The flagellates were starting to wake up last I looked, probably 10 hrs or so into the process. Made it with the good local compost and small amounts of Montana grow, powdered gypsum, multimino, kelp, coconut powder, and bone meal. I’m focusing on calcium, silica, phos and potassium, with nitrogen to throw the party.


Just did the final microscopy. Tons of bacteria and flagellates, moderate amounts of amoebae, scarce amounts of nematodes, and hardly any hyphae, some fungal spores. No ciliates, no oomycetes. Definitely room for improvement on the microbes. Will play with stir plate brewing in the future to see if I can get a more complete recipe together. Possible additions would be whole oats, rough milled barley, fish hydrolysate, with the aim of increasing fungi. Watered in the full quart, split over the three plants. Spread the cake between the raised cups as well.

There’s also a small black bug that’s taken a liking to snacking on the leaves. First time in a while I’ve had a true pest like this. Not sure what it is so I don’t know what eats it. Here’s what the damage looks like on the leaf on the left. They’re hard to make out but there’s a few of the little guys on the leaves as well - they look like tiny black specks. Almost like fleas, very very small. They don’t eat through the leaf, they just snack on the green. I’m fairly sure they’re the bugs and not their poop as I saw what looked like small whitish/translucent legs on one.

Day 36 or so since flipping.


Couple more pics of the pests. May hit the plants with Purecrop after lights out tonight just to put some of these to bed - we’ll see.

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Pure-crop1’d and super-cropped at lights off


Looking good :+1:

Where did you find this info? Are roots growing up yet? Jeremy of buidasoil promotes this same technique as a way to “hack” the earthbox.


Thanks! I saw it on one of his videos and then later on an interview with future cannabis project I heard him mention it I think. There’s a clip of him on youtube showing the technique in one of his rooms, Grassroots has some bottomless pots as well, but you could just as easily cut the bottom out of a small cheap pot just to experiment which is what I will do (have some 1/4 gallon fabricss laying around).

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I hate bugs there gonna make you work for this harvest! Hermies now bugs.