Another run in the two by two

Oh, ok, I misunderstood. I thought you were saying that you were promoting feeder roots at the surface of the soil. Ok, I get it. Some guy on the farm was trying to market a pot that works on the same principle you’re describing to avoid transplants: This all started with a product I’m struggling to get produced now called The Growing Pot. It’s an expandable potting system that eliminates the need to transplant. It also can be used in any number of grow applications such as hydro, soil, or even a hybrid if someone was so inclined. I’ve been working on it since January and am now ready to move forward with it if I can have it produced…This was a very early prototype I made from household materials to test the proof of concept early on. I am growing a vine in one exactly like this (I made several to test with) and it’s growing fantastically. When it outgrew the oringal unit I added another layer below it and it never skipped a beat. Now the roots are growing down into the base but I don’t have another layer to put under it, heh.

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No doubt lol. I have confidence Purecrop will get me through to harvest, but I am a bit disappointed in my predators not taking care of that. I’ll be adding more once the weathers a bit cooler and they are at less risk of dying in the mail :skull:

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Had a big derp moment but I’m glad it wasn’t hard to figure out. I had noticed the moisture was progressively decreasing in the tent so finally I went to flush the air out and no water came out… “huh.” So I blew through one end to see if maybe it was clogged, but it wasn’t. Looked in the reservoir, a few dead bugs but nothing big and nothing by the bulkhead. And then I felt the hose and of course it’s mashed into the wall and crimped :man_facepalming:t3: Turns out every time I was filling the reservoir I was pushing it a little closer to the wall until it cut off the water entirely. I’m not 100% sure, but I think it dried out the carrots so I went ahead and just watered a bunch before lights out then cut off the supply. Once lights come back on I can refill the carrots and things should be golden again. Now I’m wondering how many weird “blumat issues” were actually just me pushing the supply hose closed against the wall :laughing:

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I’m glad I let two of the branches alone. Even though the one on the right has some bleaching from growing into the light, I love seeing the structure and filling out these tops achieved without all the super cropping and training I had to do to the rest during flower. I think if I ever want an ideal run I’m going to have to flip to flower a week earlier and run a single plant that I know is female. So maybe I reveg after chop and take some cuttings… we’ll see :laughing:

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Still a lot of white hairs… I cut the hours on the light to 11/13 so hopefully the girls get the hint :laughing: Week 9 is just about to be in the books so I’m ready for things to start wrapping up in here.


I added a bunch of predators to the tent yesterday… adersoni, cucumeris, swirskii and persimilis plus some rove beetles. Otherwise I’m still seeing a lot of white hairs on the buds so we’re just chilling and letting the grass grow. Actually approaching 10 weeks on flower this Wednesday/Thursday

Harvest kind of came and went without much fanfare… had to rush a lot of the process for various reasons, so the whole thing went straight into the fridge. It’s been a week today since going into the fridge, and after a jar test it’s down to about 72% RH. Probably ready in a few days for jarring. I cleaned up the rest of the tent, and did a nice full re-amend and re-mulch. Two types of compost, worm castings, gypsum, calcium bentonite, oyster shell flour, Montana grow, kelp, insect frass, alfalfa meal, rock dust, crab meal, wettable powder microbes… pretty much the kitchen sink. Topped it with some hardwood sawdust pellets.

After last round I definitely wanted to calm down with the multi-cultivar “too many plants” syndrome. So I prepared one 1/4 gallon fabric pot with the starter cup soil from last round, cutting a hole in the bottom for the roots to fuse with the main pot. I’m going with Mephisto’s Strawberry Nuggets this round. I believe it’s just about to break the soil, as I’m seeing the seed hill starting to push up. This is a first time for me with this strain but it’s supposed to stay fairly short and stocky. That would be a change of pace from the super stretchers I’ve been growing the past few rounds.

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Calling this Day 1 for Strawberry Nuggets!


Strawberry Nuggets Day 5 Seedling


Day 14 strawberry nuggets. Very strange plant so far, not sure what to think. Kinda looks like some of the virus symptoms I see when I google, but I wouldn’t call the plant stunted. There’s a lot of asymmetry so far, and discolorations, as well as completely malformed leaves, but strangely it just keeps growing at a fairly regular pace.



Strange plant. Self-topped and very bushy with some strange leaf discolorations. Mephisto messaged back and said the leaf abnormalities are likely caused by a mutation that it may grow out of? :man_shrugging: Guess I just wait and see. Until then it’s leaf tucking and maybe some very selective defoliation.

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Day 22

Newest growth seems quite healthy. Some little bugs were getting after the leaves but I saw a lot of mites and rove beetles find them shortly after. About 4-5 days ago I watered in a quart of compost extract, then yesterday I hit her with a 1/4 tsp of multi-mino.



More strangeness out of this plant. So not only did it self top, but this side growth also split and grew as two nodes. Wild plant, I can see where the dense structure comes from so far.


Haven’t seen this before. Pretty cool. :beers:


I’ve had a very few plants do this before. It was so long ago I can’t remember where I was or what strain it was. All I remember is saying to the plant “who gave you permission to do this? Couldn’t wait for me? Just took it apon yourself huh?”


Haha pretty much. With how willing this thing seems to be to make side growth and split nodes I’m expecting the buds to be very dense… not sure if that’s reasonable to assume but I’ve not had a plant grow anything close to this stout before as I mostly lean toward sativa type stuff for that super heady high.

Been noticing the blumat system kicking on a lot more lately too so I know this girl is drinking big.

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Day 24 Strawberry Nuggets

Leaf tucking is very good on this plant.

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End of week 4/ Day 28 strawberry nuggets. Need to do more leaf tucking but it’s night and that bright ass light messes with my sleep :laughing:

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Been tucking but she’s got a lot of turgor. Flower should be soon, been seeing some pre flowers popping up. The stems on this plant are pretty thick for her only being 31 days in. Should stiffen up nicely and be able to support some thick buds. Also starting to notice some smells too. Lots of good signs.

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She’s a vascular lady :muscle:t6: :eyes: