Another run in the two by two

Girl is pumpin… the leaf tips have been yellow almost all run, so I’m not exactly sure what’s up with that. Part of me thinks she wants more nitrogen, but it’s a haze cross and the strain description said to be careful with nitrogen IIRC (guess I should double check lol). I’ve tried a number of small adjustments but nothing seems to be helping the yellow tips, though she keeps on growing with good vigor. Just feels like I’m leaving something on the table health-wise. Leaf color seems a bit light/pale to me as well which is why I was leaning towards nitrogen. If anyone has any thoughts I’d love to hear em and discuss experiences.

Things I’ve tried:

Less light
Adjust VPD
Small feed of calcium + fulvic
Foliar amino N


This might help diagnose- it’s an old leaf that’s now receiving less light so the plant is likely mobilizing what nutrient it can from it to more prominent areas.

I wasn’t planning to do any more training to this plant but she’s taking her sweet time setting buds, so just in case she has a big stretch in store for me, I did a bit more tying down. Will update in a while once the tops turn to the light to show how the canopy spread looks post-training.


After the bounce-back

Flowering any day now :laughing:


Love watching this plant grow :upside_down_face:

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Lots of updates during this exciting transition… something tells me this plant is going to kick my ass this round. It’s as full as I’ve ever had the tent, and it’s a single autoflower :eyes:


Old school mango haze day 44

Finally the buds are forming! Crazy long veg for an auto :wink: Next few days should produce some crowns and then it’s off to the races. She’s still putting on height too which I at least planned for with the day 14 topping and tying down, but part of me is worried she’s got a lot of up-juice left to give.

I removed the humidifier so I could lower the oscillating fan, and hooked up my second exhaust fan/carbon filter combo as well. It’s way overpowered for the tent size and I run it without a speed controller so it keeps negative pressure all the time in the tent. I have the intake connected to a hose that runs right above the soil so fresh air is constantly being sucked into the tent, over the soil, and through the canopy. Oscillating fan is under the canopy now to help out with spreading the fresh air and breaking up microclimates.


Away for a few days and came back to this! Love this hobby :heart:


Ok this plant is turning into a bit of a problem. Stretching forever, she’s really close to the lights lol. The last picture is for comparison… last round the CDLC x Skywalker barely stretched at all after crowns started forming, whereas this crazy plant wants to keep going. I really don’t want to supercrop as I think it’s pretty disruptive to the plant but I may be out of options soon if she keeps going. The good news is she will have some massive colas if I can get her to fill out the length. And she’s also got a really strong pine aroma going as well which has me hopeful for some loud terps later in flower. I knew I was signing up for a challenge running this strain, so no complaints, just hoping to finish the run without having to make any (more) big compromises. :crossed_fingers:


Welp, it might be supercropping time lol. Unless I take out the fan/filter and put it external I can’t really move the light up any more, and even then it’s only 4-5 inches more space. :man_shrugging:

Decided to just push the tallest colas over… let’s see if that holds first :stuck_out_tongue:


So much stretch! And the piney haze is starting to get prominent as well… frost coming in, and lots of time I suspect left in flower with how long it took to get to this point. Wouldn’t be surprised at all if she wants to go 90+.


Bit the bullet and cropped her… she won’t stop reaching for the sky :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Im heading out of town for about 10 days here soon so if she keeps stretching I’m pretty boned. Still need to hook up and clean my secondary res so I’ll have that extra runway while I’m gone as well. She’s already super sticky. Fingers are very sticky where I pinched the stems and the smell is unbelievably piney. That’s pretty much the only smell coming through right now besides the most faint ramen noodle aroma.


This run has gone a bit off the rails. Had a trip to Vegas planned two weeks ago… was only supposed to be gone about 9-10 days, but the big hurricane had us stranded and I couldn’t get back until late last night. All ten gallons of water had been used, and to make matters worse, this strain just keeps on stretching. There’s a lot of very larfy stragglers under the canopy I’ve started taking scissors to. I started bending over what I could as well to at least get the plants out of the lights, but it’s going to be hard getting this plant over the finish line. I’m still gonna try, but I’m lowering my expectations in terms of yield and getting a lot of good tops. I’ll keep trimming under the canopy and try to remove everything that’s going to flounder in this situation… good luck to me :laughing:

Edit: you can see what happened to the leaves that grew into the light near the front of the picture. That was one of the main branches in the middle that’s now bent over and redirecting upwards. Unfortunately might have to stick to more hybridized plants in the future, or go more aggressive with multiple topping or training techniques. :man_shrugging:

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You can move your vent fan outside the tent for more room. Mine is on top and discharging through the charcoal filter.

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I’ve thought about it in the past but with where the tent is, I’d have to run my bigger exhaust fan that I use for flower all the time, and that means an extension cord in the kitchen running into the pantry :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: … so it’s kind of just a shit situation. Really looking forward to more height in my grow space :triumph:

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Good frost, just overgrown for the tent! @JoeCrowe any way to estimate head size with a little hand loupe? I want to make bubble hash with this run but I’ve seen some suggest it may be a waste of time with heavier sativa leaners and hazey type strains… I’m also concerned there may be a lot of immature heads with how overgrown the tent got this round.


Sure if you give me a sec I can come up with a comparison in your photo. I think that we should be able to fling an estimate based on the length of the hairs on the pistil coming from the calyx. brb I’ll slap a measurement on that shit for you.

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Well they vary a bit. Gonna make the estimate a little harder, but if you take a piece of paper and put it against your computer monitor and tear it off the length of one of those pistil fingers. Then hold that up to the screen and if they are half the size, it’s bad. If they are almost the same size, it’s good! Image for reference:

Too bad you didn’t have a scale to hold up there while you took the photo. One with 10-100 micrometer increments.

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Thanks for this! I can try to rustle up my smallest scale ruler and see if I can get a picture in focus… what’s the smallest you think would be worth washing? I have a set of bags coming that goes down to 25u but I expect that’s pretty contaminated with plant material that’s broken off in the wash so idk


90 micrometers/microns! Anything smaller than 80 runs the risk of catching the sessile trichomes. For a first run if you want to find out, run the 220,90,73 and 25, and examine the results in each bag.
Personally I toss anything <90.

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Aiiiight! Thanks Joe :+1:t4: