Another run in the two by two

Two week comparison on the Skywalker x CDLC vs the strawberry nuggets just for fun.


Going to try and keep this girl down and encourage more branching early- so I’ve topped and tucked. You can see there’s three nodes so six side branches now have an opportunity to grow as new tops. From past experience I’m not going to go too crazy trying to keep things flat per se, but definitely going to try and spread the canopy out. Since I can only approach the plant from the zipper side, I have to balance my desire for low growth with actually being able to defoliate and trim the back side of the plant.

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Don’t know how I missed the two bottom branches, but evidently I did. Plant is looking good, and definitely hitting that explosive veg stride that the strawberry nuggets hit.


1 week ago in the last picture. Mephisto definitely has some vigor.

Supercropped the 8 side shoots… I have a feeling this is going to be a pretty stuffed tent by the end of it.

Edit for notes: Photone measuring 44 DLI at canopy :eyes:


Day 28 CDLC x Skywalker

Keeping this girl short and trying to keep that canopy even. Biggest concern right now is tops growing into the light. Stretch should start in the next week or so if the Strawberry Nuggets was any indicator. I think she started around day 33 or so. Got a new carbon filter as well since CDLC is notorious for the reek. Getting psyched for flower!


Went ahead and tied down some of the main branches to open up the middle. Flowering is starting to ramp up so once the canopy is fully spread out and I can see which branches aren’t going to make it I’ll shave the legs up and let everything else stretch up. I expect having to tie down a few more branches and tighten up the outer ones to get them all the way to the edge. Hoping that’s enough to keep them from stretching too high. :crossed_fingers:


We’re blooming!


CDLC X Skywalker day 41

Stretch is hitting- been doing my best to keep the tops spreading out instead of up. Besides tying them down, there really isn’t much to do in the tent. I’ll probably go get a fresh bag of my favorite local compost today just to keep things pumping through flower with some compost extract. Otherwise I’m just watching the grass grow.


CDLC X Skywalker day 44

Pretty happy with how the training turned out.


Looking nice @grow! It’s a great cross, I’m currently making some F2s of it myself :nerd_face:

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It’s sort of sweet/fruity right now- but not very strong aroma-wise yet. I keep waiting for the CDLC to rear its head :laughing: Everything I’ve ever read about it sounds like it gets super funky smelling. I love gas and sour smells so I’m hoping to get a healthy helping of that soon :+1:t4:


My girl has a “limey chem” smell to her that I really like, though being heavily pregnant I don’t think she’s putting on the full show.

I’m interested in what variation is to be seen in the F2s, I’m hoping to see a bit more of the CDLC as well :crossed_fingers:.

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F2s tend to be much more of a grab bag of genetics yeah? I ran some of the Spirit Train F2s a while back and had some very distinct plants in terms of aroma, leaf shape, and structure. The CDLC funk can’t hide in the F2s :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hopefully :crossed_fingers:

CDLC x Skywalker Day 51

Lights out shots are always so satisfying :grin: The girl is putting on some bulk!


Lights on not bad either!


Looking good @grow :yum:


Day 28 Old School Mango Haze

I don’t know how, but I managed to switch back to my old journal and not realize it so I just started posting updates for the grows there :laughing:. Stoner moment

Gonna pick back up here starting with a shoddy picture taken with my eyes closed and Cocoon glasses on because the grow light keeps me awake all night if I get it in my eyes too late :upside_down_face: . Had to refill the humidifier so I figured I’d snap a shot to track the progress after making some tweaks. Lowered the moisture, dropped the humidity, lowered the light intensity, fed a mix of micronized gypsum and fulvic acid and foliar’d some L-glutamine/fulvic. All small tweaks.


I think stretch is either here or close so I did some light defol and removed side shoots I didn’t like the size/location of. Also added a short dark period, switching back to 20/4.


This plant is already starting to smell… it’s had stem rubs for a while already. Noticed that when I did the training, but now it’s noticeable just opening the tent. Excited to see what she does in flower!