Any hunters on the forum?

no, just run them off, keep them from eating them tomatoes!


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They do! But the deer keep coming. Bold bastards.


Canada man.


My old Beagle is obsessed with rabbit hunting. She would be astonished and probably terrified if I actually killed one though. She just likes chasing bunnies around my neighborhood.

Your dog looks quite proud of itself, as well it should be. :+1:


y’all don’t have coyote’s up there? down here in the south, if it stops running… coyote’s don’t usually let it start back up. uh, huh, make’s old Wile E. look anything but a carnivore! I don’t think many a dog would stand a chance again’ a few of these sneaky bastards… these are not your grandad’s coyote’s! these are those hybrid shits that are part wolf, part coyote and all ingenuity. they can survive in any geography, desert, woods, forest, edge of the city, and in the cities as well. snatching peoples pets, after roving packs have wiped out most of the natural wildlife and stray animals that are not strong enough to be accepted into a pack (which seldom happens, supposedly). we have wildlife, but not like long ago…



Plenty of coyotes, but not the hybrids around here. Just the smaller regular ones. They kill plenty of house cats but these mule deer are too big and fast. They either stomp the shit out of the yotes or they bound away. Plenty of easier prey for the yotes.

Black bears used to make a regular appearance, although I’ve got them scared pretty well at this point. They don’t like it much when they get hit with baseball sized rocks.

Mountain lions eat their fare share of mule deer.


You can tell by the saddles on them theyre coydogs
Shot and trapped enough of the fuckers.

You don’t get into wolves in illinois till the nw corner.
IE: jodavies, Carroll

Last semi pure coyote I got was early 80’s.


That sounds identical to a lot of fly fishermen. We use to always call them LL beaners . They have ever gadget under the sun and all the top gear but yet couldn’t cast or hook a salmon to save their life lol I use to love outfishing them with my mitchell fly rod with the reel duct taped to the rod when I was a kid.
Nowadays the same LL beaners can be identified by them having their rods across the back of their necks showing off their fancy reel on their shoulder in most pics haha


nice looking flies ,good work! i use to tie,even way back used to sell them to a store,loved it. injured my hands now dont, i will keep a eye out for materials for you.


we have coyote/ wolf hybrids showing up here. although wolves were thought to be extinct in Maine there have been sightings and a few shot of very large coyotes with wolf features here in remote n Maine along the quebec border. quebec has a good gray wolf population. the bios can’t say for sure this is happening but the ones shot were 20-30lbs heavier that our standard yote’. its raising hell with our already struggling deer herd. esp. in deep snow winters.


I know Alaskan team members that would throw a bitch sled dog that was in heat, sometimes it would get bred sometimes it got killed.
They did this mainly for the paws .
Knowing that wolves are territorial most hybrids are by chance unless kept in captivity and bred artificially.

Coyotes and dogs are the exact opposite, ive had black, red, and everything in between.


Finished staking all the decoys tonight, 18 more for an even 60 and then I can move on to field mallard deeks lol


Gave in and ordered some floaters and a couple spinners…


1/8 ounce jig head with a white charly breuer. Hit up submerged trees and undergrowth during the first couple weeks of April and you will nail big bluegill. Go deep and catch some crappie…

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If you can find a submerged tree in a pond all the fish will migrate to that area during the spring. I mean every fish in that pond will be there


That’s how I wind up with 95 percent of all my fish during the year. If your a bass fisherman fish around those areas cuz they will be after all the panfish

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Lol bluebills silly! Not bluegill…

Difference between this:

And this:

Gotta get everything all ready for the real opening day this weekend!


lesser scaup another filthy fish duck, thats what that hook on the end of their snout is for.
Pretty birds thou but they rank in there with mudchickens.
If your hungry, better than old boot.


I known several hunters/fly fishers that get certain ducks just for the feathers. Fish eaters like those, that patch of feathers on their back are worth $$


holy crap there getting expensive lol, i should sell mine and my layout.

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