Any hunters on the forum?

Did he get some crap being that you were army and he was marine? :rofl: There’s always some good natured ribbing between the branches.

He is 13 and is more into video games than camping or hunting. He was 10 when I got him to pull in a couple snapper. The teenage phase isn’t so wonderful so far! :joy:


Need to figure out a way around the municipal firearms discharge law. This is the arsehole who has been eating our tomatoes.


I’m making some chili sauce for my buddy to spray on his plants next year because of deer/bears. I figured if ghost peppers work on elephants…:smiling_imp:


Finally! A practical use for those peppers!

I was at one of my local grow shops, and saw they had Carolina reapers growing outside in grow bags. I asked for some seeds and they let me pick a couple pods to save seeds from. I’m drying them now to plant through the winter hehe

All I did to try the peppers myself was touch the toothpick I used for the seeds to my tongue. Tapped the toothpick like I was testing a battery :crazy_face:, bout 5 seconds later it felt like I bit into a tai pepper in a sautéd dish.


yeah. he got called out a few times after he told him that. i should have warned him. they stray during the teenage years but come around again as they gain some real life experiences and wisdom.

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bow? nice muley!


Bows are considered firearms here. Plus then I would run the risk of having to recover the bastard 3 doors down. With my luck he’d end up in some animal rights activist’s yard.

Yep, I’d surely shoot him without a second thought if he was up in the mountains where I hunt.


Laso and a baseball bat… get primitive lol


Not a hunter myself, but I do tie my own flies. If any of you have Pheasant tails, duck feathers, etc. that you would like to donate and make sure as much of the animal is used as possible then I am happy to help. There are also fly tying clubs at many colleges/clubs that can use donated materials. Shoot me a pm if you want to help. This is my ant pattern. It is tied with synthetic materials, but I am very fond of it.

This one is tied with wild duck and rabbit fur.

This one is tied with nothing but wild turkey feathers from a bird my brother killed.


I was thinking a basket of apples and a guillotine. :slight_smile:


Ooo getting medieval… i approve


Lol there is also a fishing thread if you want to get your fish on lol

Love the convo guys but still trying to keep it on topic with hunting :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


any dog worth their salt, would do the trick!


we are Talking!
I had the same Idea, but with peaches or any really, fruit!


those are beautiful, I tried many years ago, before I started losing feeling in my hands. could not even do it back then, takes a lot of patience and creativity and imagination. bravo!


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Wait… you’re saying let my dogs kill that buck?

im a fly tyer. been doing it for 35 yrs. do mostly streamers and bigger flies now. visions not what it used to be and i shake due to my b.p meds. great job on those by the way. nothing like a 4lb salmon on a 4wt fly rod!


I’ve never heard of bows considered a firearm. what state you in? get a can put on your rifle and shoot it from inside the house. no one will hear squat!

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I hunt sometimes but dont really make it a must.