Any one having issues getting their soil this year?

Why for questioning what the differences are. If it still must be amended its an overpriced block of base

I just dont want to waste a bunch of money. Im sure im not the only one. If it was ready to run with i could understand the prices but heres the $12 block ingredients

i posted them avove too but side by side put em next to bx and hp

@rooted . Dude don’t take this personal but you made that point a bunch of posts ago. No ones arguing with you. I got it. Let others absorb your opinion, add if asked , let it go. There is no I’m right your wrong here. P.S. kiddie pool works.

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Can anyone in USA tell me what they are paying?

No but I live in Rural Virginia so it’s not uncommon to ride down an old road and find a locally sourced grow shop, folks that sell their own soils and mulches.


I considered getting back into soil for the first time in nearly 20 years until I saw how many living soils are popping up hot for heavy metals.

Then I decided to stick with RDWC and GH 3 part.


If I had a tent this is what I’d use. It’s very expensive but grows awesome weed and its simple,

All this reminds me the reason I make my own living soil, and have for decades!


$25 for all-purpose. 16.3(Kilo
$35 for the BX or HP. 27.2(kilo)

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My 1st choice is the Organic Vegetable & Herb but I’m not finding any large bags. All I’m seeing around here is the All Purpose mix.
Probably all the same stuff :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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I wish I grew up in this town. I would have had a farmer connect by now who would let me compost somewhere on there land and use there animal poop. and like a dozen dudes with trucks. I walk by a property that has those miniature horses. Far end of my walk unfortunately. Perhaps I should talk with them. Leaves and branches I have in spades. Gramps works with home made soil. considering how much he needs its a no choice no brainier thing.
I imagine an outdoor were I used all clones or self made seeds, compost soil for free to go along with the free sun as I giggle at how little money I actually put down.


@G-paS I’m currently seeing pricing between $38 and $55 retail. At the right wholesaler to a corporation $30 a bale in bulk


Perlite acts as an aerator , helping the soil shed water. Vermiculite acts as a sponge to help the soil hold moisture. Both of them work in tandem to give your soil the right balance of drainage you can mix the two to get results your looking for . Out here they have growers mix around 40 dollars a yard dumped in the back of your pickup . My little friends next door had 25 plus yards dumped during the night


Nice. Good price. I thought thats how it worked perlite sheds and vermiculite holds water.

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Thank You! I got a good deal than.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:

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no i posted a comment then didnt like it, and i dont know how to delete, so i edited it out but it cant be empty.


Next time click on the three dots at the bottom of the comment and more options appear, including the trash can.
It took me a while to find it too :laughing:



So I got some soil.
Thought I was getting Pro mix.
I asked about Pro mix BX. I was told they have the black one.
I sent a pic of the black bagged pro mix I found on line.
$35 (plus tax) a bail. ( no delivery charge. My next door neighbor owns a hardware store.
Last year I asked for 3 bails. It came 2 weeks late and I was over charged, like $60 a bag almost didn’t really want to call them this year but I decided to anyways.)
This was in my driveway. lol
I have never heard of it and can not find any reviews.
Have you tried this medium?
Hey at least I got soil.

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I know for me space is kind of an issue so it’s hard for me to build soil, but I’ve been ordering amendments and slowly building my supplies so I can just keep using the soil I have. I bought the pre-mixed amendment blend from Buildasoil and used that to get started, but I’ve been building a whole soil kit in the mean time. I’ve got Rice hulls, Sand, Gypsum, Alfalfa, and Kelp. I keep worms in my pots and balance occasionally with phosphoric acid, so I don’t want to add bunch of P in through amendments as well. I’ll probably need a couple more things to get a good balance going, but I’m getting there.

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120 with delivery 4 yards mushroom compost.