Any original OG members back?

Great to see you overgrow is back again this was the first and best cannabis form site and I was lucky to be a part of since 2000 until it was shut down.
Overgrow has spurred so much of the current technology being used today everything from LED lights,SAR activation, carbon filter filtertion use of RO water just to name a few. The contributors who made overgrow what it was,I believe have been sharpened and ready to help take this plant to the next level.
We’re back baby !!!


We are all very happy OG is back up and running. Welcome you all. I was Avalon0420, back in the day. I’ve grown crazier tho!




You have got crazier, I have mellowed with age.

I was a bit crazy in my youth, so I have been told :sweat_smile::smiling_imp::wink:


I’m like wine my dear @MadTruka, the older the better… LOL


There is an art to storing wine correctly too just like storing seeds, get it wrong and your banging your head after waiting years.

Do you buy wine for now or wine to mature for to drink in future years?


Pinot Noir for me only, It’s my favorite grape, but if i wanna drink out with my buddies onky Heineken, cos it doens’t give a hangover. Too pure.


“OVERGROW THE WORLD!” I became a “Newbie” around 03, or 04. I thought it was extremely brilliant. I would pour over forms for hours. I learned so much from the help of others. The topic of growing (at the moment) is not a very safe thing to speak about with anyone. So being able to bring the community together, to share idea’s, and tips to help others discreetly was awesome. You would give “karma” to people for good help. I build my first hydro bubbler here. So sad when it went away. I have the same member name.


Hi Anavrin,

Welcome back :sunglasses:


I think it happened to all of us esctly the same way, and i know that i kept on typing the address in the address bar every so often, out of hope i guess! One day BOOM it was there, i didn’t choose the same handle as i had before but yeah man, wlecome back!


Yea, right. It was like Christmas when OG popped up. I would go on Grasscity, but it just wasn’t the same. Seems to diluted. You can find any of your questions in the forms search engine, but it was upsetting to see that a lot of posted question would go unanswered. I understand that yes, some of the questions would be rudimentary. But at least here, people would point me in the right direction. Usually the Beginners Guide for trouble shooting. If it wasn’t for the OG family, I would still be using incandescent bulbs from my bedroom (I was 12), and wonder why four months into a grow later my plants would never flower (16). I still run into problems. I used that Kellogg’s All Natural Soil garbage. That set me back 2 weeks, when it would have only taken two minutes to look it up. The 20 bucks for 2 fem. Blue Mystic seeds I could have got some fox farm. I’m trying to save them. We shall see. Sorry for the rant, I’m very grateful to be welcomed back into the fold. OG was like a family to me. Thanks MadSci. I’m sure I’ll see you again. Your everywhere, helping lots. You’re a good man.


No rant, and greatly appreciated, thanks for sharing that man! You got it under control, but it does seem you need to go to DEFCOM-3 or so… LOL


Thanks for having me back. I’m so happy to be back after the decade plus hiatus. Are you an Old School OG member from back in the day?


Hi Anavrin,

Yes i’m an oldskool member from 1.0 back in the day. I learned a lot from the site and other users in particular about making hash and oils. I taught quite a few growers and members too. It’s great the site is back up and running. I did find my way to some of the other forums, but they were never like the ambience was very different.


Welcome Anavrin! Most seedlings can take a beating, don’t sweat it. Glad you made it back.


Yea I was discussing the same thing with @MadScientist. A lot of help posts would go unanswered for weeks. Sad. I love it here.


I think the first time I talked to subcool was on the old overgrow…bog was here creating bubble gum or boggle gum or some thing a lot of the big breeders now, we’re on here back in that day. Now there’s 4900 seed companies and God only knows what theyre selling. But now finally I’ve got a dispensary in mass to eat the bill on my strains. And gets. Ancestry,terps , thc , all that good shit. Now someone like myself can take a terpene profile and actuallyI the proper strains to get what I’m looking for …dam. breeding takes time. We’ll anyway welcome back to og everyone.


I never left :evergreen_tree:


Then how can i welcome you? :grin:


I was here from 02 till they got shut down. I recall someone saying I needed to feed my plants a happy meal … Good times…


Welcome back @Seed413, @Numbnutts, and @anon4675195. Can’t wait to hear from you all. Over Grow the World!