Any original OG members back?

Great to see you back @PureMichigan_Seed. Can’t wait to see some of your work.


ISAG lol! Man it took me so long to get buds growing. I had a good amount of really tall plants in veg here and there. It took me a little bit to figure out about 12/12. :laughing:


I was here a lot around 2001-2002 mostly reading and researching because of the state of things at that time. At that time no one knew any thing about LED, CFLs were new and to some extent so was the internet so knowledge, equipment and everything else was harder to come by and there was a lot more improvisation going on. I learned about rewiring blasts from downed street lights, home made boxes and proper breeding techniques on here. I stopped my research because of the stress of it all but recent legal developments mean that I may be back for good now. For those of you who are newer to the game it is a whole different world now you used to have to scavenge and come up with elaborate plots to get equipment now it looks like you can get all the equipment you need next day on Amazon.


Amazon shopping is a huge upgrade lol


No shit man…talk about finding the best prices possible, and with free two day shipping :grin: I remember going through Alt Garden and Discount Hydro’s catalogues (paper fuckin catalogs) and trying to get supplies for as cheap as possible, then winging together things into RDWC systems from Walmart and Home Depot. I’ll still hit Home Depot and Walmart for things, but the specialty items available now are just mind blowing compared to the early 2000’s.


Yeah, I know there were at least a few days that I was standing in the fittings isle for over an hour trying to figure out what I could rig together.


I feel you I started with a 150 watt hps from home depot I converted into air cooled for my 2x2 cabinet. Welcome back @HighbushOG


I was growing in my fish tank back on OG1 :rofl::joy: loves that set up.


I will never forget the time I rolled up to the counter with a piece of glass, some wood, and sheet medal. The lady behind the counter looked at me out of the corner of her eye and said “Watcha building?.. Mini greenhouse? My son bought the exact same things.”


There is nothing comparable to the joy of stress free legal shopping… except maybe the joy of stress free legal growing :smiley:


Was never active on the original fourm. But the original grow faq was my bible. Must have read it 50 times.

Taught me to grow indoors, and let me teach others in turn.


Montana legalized recreational two weeks after I moved here. My first thought: “I’m absolutely growing two pound GG4 plants in 4*4 scrogs by June. I’m gonna get so fuckin stoned and quit my bullshit job and sell weed again, fuck this noise.”


It’s amazing how far things have come. I’m like a pig in shit lol.

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the truth about amazon is that they monitor you ruthlessly, and gradually increase the prices to until they are right at the limit of what you can afford.

See what happens if you view the same item once a week for a month or more without adding it to your cart. This almost always triggers the price hike algorithm.

The algorithm is designed to provide positive reinforcement in the form of a discount if you buy something very quickly, and to punish you with price hikes if you view an item repeatedly without purchasing. This is meant to subconsciously train you to make purchases right away, without spending time to consider the purchase.


Same here, I was never on the old forum but the grow faq and some major threads were archived and available on another old forum. I read those front to back when I was starting out.


I believe that 100%, but I have been on the winning side of it a few times and gotten items for 1/2 of what they are going for anywhere else then saw it go right back up to regular price. Not defending Amazon at all just saying I have benefited from their manipulation in some cases.


Welcome Back @HighbushOG! When I first found OG it was like finding the keys to the secret garden. Literally! It was a lot scarier back then with the laws.


Delete your cookies and don’t use an Amazon account to buy things. Easy fix.


I was obsessed with the old OG. rhino_buddy and I were reading OG in highschool. Went off to college and started a closet grow. I was so bummed OG went away. So happy its back and I am able to legally grow this time. Can’t wait to start the next chapter of Overgrow life. Thanks to rhino_buddy for getting me back!

Pretty sure my old username was MrPotbut


Wahoo first post back on That was an amazing piece of History the OGv1.0

Social media before there was such a thing.

Dam, That goes back aways. I started this century on
Peace Jay