Any original OG members back?

Thanks for the welcome!
I’m wondering if it’s safe to post pics of a grow or construction of a new room? I don’t see much in the sight at all, and what I see it always small closet grows.
What do you think?


I believe it is. Have you looked through grow room diaries in the indoor growing section? lots of grows all different sizes but mostly smaller. I for one would love to see pics of a larger grow. :smiley:


You mean DEFCON 1, 5 is like everyone in the world was smoking weed, 1 is like your sweating with your finger hovering over the nuke switch.


I got a call from OldPink just after the RCMP pinched RC…imagine a scotsman with a very thick brogue and add in a pint or two of scotch…I could barely make out that he was telling me to tear down as the DEA was in the picture…twas a sad day for many of us…I kept in touch with all 5 site mods and recently with many members at the OG reunion on facebook…STP, subcool, and tommy all have passed…it’s tough gettin old


Welcome back Tspot! I think our security situation is a little better now that there are so many green states and legal grows. Back in the super early 2000’s, it was almost all illicit grows, including mine, so we had a lot more to worry about since the attention from DEA and RCMP and obviously something akin to Scotland Yard was a problem. Now, I think pretty much all of us have migrated to legal states and foster legal grows, so the concern is vastly minimized. I remember the “I got caught” threads…they usually happened to the users who were posting their grow ops and acting flagrant with the photos, or not listening to members re: security protocols. “I don’t know what happened…I’m just running 12kw in my garage in a monolithic lighting cycle, said fuck carbon filtration, get in constant fights with my girl, and showed like twenty people my op…how could I have gotten caught?!” The heartbreaking ones were the house fires. Glad we’ve come to a point where we can safely and legally discuss these things. At least with our overpopulation of legal grows (and proxy servers) the less legal ops can kinda slide under the radar.


Have you seen the “Four Yorkshiremen” sketch from monty python ? Hilariously fitting for the situation.

Im still trippin on the energy of finding you, let me explain…

Have you ever been to an illegal forest techno party ? You and your friends have found an illegal dump in the forest. After cleaning the industrial waste, you bring your soundsystem and start blasting. Imagine the feeling of going for a piss far away. The music booms somewhere, and you are feeling safe, hight and happy. While you are taking a leak, the cops raid the party and the music stops and the lights go out. Now you are alone in the dark, paranoid while the cops go through your stuff.
The music stops for an eternity and you run towards the darkness with a handfull of seeds.

It took me this long to find you guys. I just wanna hug you all.


So happy to see this forum! I was a member before things got shut down and then got busted with a grow in 2002. I had a few handles, met some folk IRL (Buddicea, Slowhand/Hacksaw - he’s dead btw, Chimera sent me some great beans :smiley: )

Anyway, NYS says its legal so I ordered up some gear (stress free) and wondered “what happens if I type in overgrow?”

I still have my mug


I got a stashbox from POM in one of those crazy competitions


Welcome to OG 2.0 @FreeAtLast . I grew something from Chimera back in the day. It smelled like industrial cleaner. Wasn’t very stealthy in my suburban back yard that’s for sure. :smiley:


hey Welcome to OG @FreeAtLast ! welcome back


I posted under a few handles, first grace then bagseed.


Nooooooo Hacksaw my dude I use his butter recipe from the growfaq to this day, shit nice name drop but what a bummer. Nice to see you grow keep it free and OG.


My 20 year old mug

Anyone remember ISAG? It wasn’t me but it could have been, because really I suck at growing. It’s amazing I ever pulled this shit off.


I was under a couple handles back then… Good to be back 16 years later!


I want to say it was 02 or 03 when an old head introduced me to the site. Learned most of what I knew (past tense because it’s been a while and I’ve forgotten much) about growing from OG. Back then, there was no better place for all things cannabis cultivation. I recently returned in lockstep with some recent legislative changes in my state. Gotta admit, I still think this site is the best, but I’ll always be impartial because of the help the community lent me back in the day. Already feel right at home with some good ppl :v:t2:


I’m glad the toxicity from the old has been culled in the new site. Props to the mod team.


I remember when I used to spend my time at school online on the overgrow forum. Instead of doing my school work I was studying everything I could on growing good herb. The day that overgrow went off the internet was a sad day for me I had met lots of cool people, was getting to know the Northwest growers section, I am glad that the world is beginning to legalize Cannabis.


Olredeyes was my original handle, where have all those years gone🤔??


So excited to see OG is back! Used to love it on here back years ago. Spent many a nights reading through threads.


Welcome back to OG 2.0 @PureMichigan_Seed