Any original OG members back?

Wow bro this is so spot on with me everything you just said there…!! Damn crazy my main issue I used to worry about in my head constantly was about the smell and how I could make it not smell at all…! But same I was in High school in 02-06 but I spent almost all my extra time reading these forums but I never got to grow much other than a couple times and now but still outdoors waiting to finally have my own indoor grow within the next year and I was so bummed when overgrow was taken down I started browsing Icmag forums and i dont recall the other one but i kinda just stopped reading and learning as much after overgrow went down but its so awesome
Its back best informational and log of grows of all time and just a great community like shroomery…!!


Yeah, it was crazy being SO knowledgable at a time when the general public had no idea about cannabis. Trying to explain the difference between indica and sativa and no one understanding it. The big thing being back then people thought “hydro” meant it was super dank. I spent countless hours explaining to people what hydroponics actually meant. Wild times.


Wow, some names I remember there. I met sonT a couple of times, he kind of took me under his wing a bit, really nice guy. I remember reaper and his bunker and greenery machinery got a visit from the UK Vietnamese grow gangs who told him, “you grow for us now” Wild times.


Much love and respect to all of the old crew!

I was “Durga Mata” on OGv1. And no…I’m not the Mother Goddess…or even a chick…I grabbed that moniker because it was the first seeds I got across the pond successfully in about '96 and the first strain I grew outside of the NL5 clone.

What a great time to be a grower that was. So many folks slingin’ good/true F-1 genetics. Now I just cringe when I see folks tagging their ply-poly-poly-poly-poly-poly-poly-polyhybrids as “F-1 stock”. Maybe >I< misunderstood…I’ve been known to do that before…but remember when it meant crossing 2 landraces? LOL.“Robert C. Clarke” anyone? Forgotten lore, for sure. But I digress…

I remember running original Grimm stock…jojorizo’s many offerings…Atomic…Dman (Spice crosses/the original sunshine Daydream)…and I remember when Organkid dropped the first “S-1” seeds anyone (OK…most) had ever heard of. Bubba kush/OG Kush/somethin else too…anyone remember the thrid one? >>cobwebs<< SO MANY good peeps. SO MANY huge grow shows…and ever pic was a possible link to your game. Folks had balls then!
Just too much (illegal) fun. And damn did it pay well. Just a crazy good run! I miss it!

So many folks have gone on as well. I bow my head in respect. I hope to find mention of some of these folks here…cus many deserve their due. Unlike the “breeders” (OK…sprayers) of today…these cats WORKED THE LINES EXTENSIVELY. It’s sad that most of those cuts are gone. It was a seriously good time in the cannabis world.

Now we’re just the old fucks on the boards. LOL. “‘cus smoking and trippin’ is all that you do…yeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!”

Much love and respect to those who were there who are still here! Be well!


No doubt was the golden age of marijuana… i miss it also. There was just a raw vibe on the forums that just cant be replaced. Kinda hard to explain.


Camaraderie based on illegality.


Original Member from the CBay days. Man i really wish CBay was still active! Not really digging the new layout of and miss the links from the top bar, but still easy enough to navigate!


Had no idea this thread was here.
I remember very fondly staying up late pontificating life with Sly (Grimm). I think I was on a Win98 machine and for sure…aol dial up.
Those bubbler buckets were definitely cutting edge tech back then. :slight_smile:
@Baudelaire is still using the same avatar???
I wanna go back!!! Turn those machines back on!


An original og member here. What most people don’t remember is that back then everyone was a DIY’er. From aeroponic rigs, coliseums made of PVC wyes with stacked 400hps, to custom organics that were made and mixed at home. Without the help of Amazon. Finding and sourcing things was 75% of the battle. I fondly remember the first bottle of super thrive I bought from a nursery 1 1\2hrs from the house after calling dozens trying to find guano and casting to make an organic tea. Good time and great minds all with one shared goal. I’m hoping this new generation of Overgrowers show the innovation and idea sharing that we had back then.


And yea it was win98. Wish we still had those.


Welcome to the new reiteration Overgrow @Yort. Totally agree about the DIY aspect. I remember all the DIY carbon filter tutorials.and things like that. Before there were tents the most premade ready short day photoperiod designed garden space was the Mills Pride cabinets. The C-13 and C-22 clubs. Many would just build custom DIY spaces.

It was quite the innovative time. Neat to read that perspective. Hope you’re having a pleasant day. Many blessings and much love

Original OG member here. Used to go by the name Nova Express and after shutdown in 2004 or whenever ot was went to IC and some might know me as Farmer John. Good to see the site up and running and hope to find some old friends.


Welcome @Yort and @OriginalFarmerJohn ! Good to see the old heads flowing back in. Stay up!

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I was member for a bit around 2000-03. Heh, back then had to use TOR to access, and whatever else to keep anonymous. As somone above said, there were alot of tutorials back then, and I def used it alot for them. I had to make alot of what I needed my self, my grow lights, filters, boxes, etc.

Things were still pretty draconian at the time, so wasnt always safe to just go to the grow shop, or order online stuff ya needed. There was a very real chance law enforcement would be scouting out the hydro stores, follow ya home or whatever, go through your trash to try to find probable cause… Wasnt just being paranoid. It happened to people. So, anyway, I used alot of the tutorials just to make whatever I needed from what was avaiable. Grow light from a 400 watt HPS highbay light, carbon filters from hardware cloth and batting, etc…

Now its more lax, if not legal, as it is here now, so can just order what I need.

But anyways, in, general OG back then is where I learned how to grow. Seriously, from seed to cure, soil and hydro, what lights, nutes, methods, basically everything I got from there.

Then about 2003 I quit growing , and just started back up at the beginning of this year, since its legal here now, at least as far as the state goes.

Site is defenitely different now. Im not saying worse, just different from what it was like then.


This aint then. Welcome @This1guy!