Any original OG members back?

Glad you joined joined up at back up @doctorbubs, the place is a little different than before takes a little getting used to


can I have the badge


I don’t remember if I had an account or not but this site taught me so much back then. Train1 in particular was very influential. I built his DWC/bubbler system and it was amazing. A few months afterwards my house got raided lol. They kept calling my basement, “Dexter’s Lab”!

I’m very excited to see this site is back up and still exists. I’m hoping it’s just as good or better than it was when I first used it. I guess it’s the members that make or break so we’ll see. It’s good to be back AND not have to worry so much about getting raided again. Unless the feds get a hair up their ass at least.


Welcome back @Bucket !


Jobu thanks for that .

It sure is mad how times change for some.

Like all in the USA Canada Germany Thailand.


I am glad to see you OG v1 members coming back. When I tried to join the first time it was still down. I found the link in my first grow book. I am so glad I didn’t give up.

:green_heart: :seedling:


@G-paS I haven’t been back very long but I have to say, after spending a lot of years on other cannabis forums, reddit, discord, etc. It just feels right being back here on Overgrow after almost two decades away. I love the way the forum software (or whatever it’s called lol) runs. The ease of use and set up is great. I already feel like I’m at home. It’s like bringing home a new piece of furniture and it’s already broken in and comfortable for you.

Thanks to everyone who’s kept the spirit of OG v1 alive so the rest of us could find our old home again.


Yes, we’re all glad to be back home. I just made a similar post somewhere else earlier. It’s not the software, it’s definitely the people. After the first shutdown we all got scattered so to speak, so most of us didn’t know where to go. I ended up on ICMAG which was cool for awhile but still didn’t have the same togetherness of OG. I was a OG Refugee on there by the same name, just glad to be back home with the crew. Although some are still slowly finding there way back and from what I’ve heard we’ve lost a few throughout the years. @Jobu


Oh it’s definitely the people and the vibe that make this place. I just meant in me coming back I’ve been very impressed with how much I like how the forum software functions compared to a lot of others I’ve been on over the years. If it functioned like dog shit I’d still be here because of the people/vibes/etc, but it’s a nice bonus. It’s more fun to ride around with your friends in a cadillac rather than a jalopy.


Oh I understand what you mean, the format does play a part.


i never spent time on any other growing forum. went underground again after the bust (a friend i knew got busted, not the site) and didn’t really grow again, just helped others setup theirs. being illegal and newly married with a new kid i had no choice. that’s what she told me and after the divorce i had no place to grow anyway. no desire to go anywhere else though, as stated above, it’s the people and the attitude.


Welcome back Bucket.

Hands down has always been the best site for cannabis on the net.Like others have said.Its not just about the sight its the folks and all the wealth of knowledge .

If it had not been for all the other sounds folks on here.From here their and everytwhere.I would not have half the cultivars that i have to this day.or got to meet so many good folks.Like one m8 who i meet on here back in 2002 we have been m8 since then.Even been to the Dam twice together now.Infact i just cought up with him yesterday.He brought me a new nice Sebsi pipe from Morocco.



Just found this thread
Usta visit the old og
Even got some freedom seeds from mr Doug, gave those to Everybody I could
Missed it when it was gone, even after finding this site, was awhile before I recognized the name and the infamous mr Doug (aw age)
But very happy this is back.
Spent most of my time in between, at 420, learned a lot there

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Jluvn, LOL, what’s up my dude?! FPC still kickin’, in perpetuity.

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Hi all. Damn it’s been a while. Got on OG back in ‘99, learned some stuff, and made a few good friends. I do wish I had a way to reconnect with folks like @MissMess and @Marksurfs, the first two people I met IRL that were actually as cool as they were online. Looking forward to starting up a grow journal eventually, cuz I really feel like at this point that’s the best part of sites like this. Any OGs out there already know how to grow, but it’s still nice to share in each other’s successes.


Welcome back @TheMintMan looking forward to your grow journal as well. This is still the best place to be. K+


I was a lurker back in the day. After I first smoked herb in highschool all I wanted to do was grow it. So, I went on the newish internet and started tapping around to learn about growing. I found overgrow and read, read, read. So, truthfully I never had an account, but I lurked.


I remember, when I first discovered the original overgrow, I wrote the URL on the wall of every bathroom stall at the college I attended, got my girlfriends to do it in the ladies too :sunglasses:


Hey djxx howzit been growing young man… after u lifted me those beans I never got to talk to u again, what happened… is everything ok… awe man so glad to see ur still above ground brother… I miss talking to u ol man… holler at me :v: