How to not treat bonsai moms

I learned a hard lesson or two as of late. Bonsai moms are usually pretty easy and LOW maintenance unless you do what I did. Over feed the fuck out of them. Been doing Bonsai moms for a number of years and no real issues and I even had a OGKB 2.0 mom for almost 2 years in 5" plastic pots as in Oldtimers guide. Only reason I lost that one was an emergency potential possibility of getting busted. Had to chop all of them a couple years ago. Regrouped and replaced all of them and at one time I had like 8 moms of different strains.
I kept all of them for a long time until had to chop for security and the OGKB 2.0 and had even trimmed roots and added soil but its been a couple years since this pic was taken and I think this OGKB was actually a replacement for the old original.

I only have 5 totally different strains at the moment and have good cuts rooting for new moms except the ghost but here is a pic of my efforts to hopefully get them all back to a more normal new moms in 5" pots.

Anyway thru my own laziness and non attention my moms went to shit. I had only about 5 strains at the moment and I was lucky enough to save all the genetics but a couple were really close to being gone. I flushed the worst in the 5" pots with over a gallon maybe 2 of RO water for each one and let them dry and had already managed to get cuts to restart all but 2 flavors, Cuban Black Haze and a Ghost (ognkid via All Star clones) were not doing well after a week. So I up potted one of the Cubans to a plastic one gallon pot and ordered some one gallon bags to try. Here are the results after a few weeks. The cuban in the plastic pot is not doing well still but the bagged one bounced back well enough I got about 5 cuts off her last week and they are doing well at the moment. The Ghost is looking better and I hope to take some cuts for new mom next week or so.
I also for first time today gave them a light feed of what I have always used, Neptune’s Harvest 2-3-1 Fish and Seaweed in RO water. No more granular ferts for moms or anything else other than what has always worked for me. I strayed from the KISS method and overthought the feed and didnt keep them trimmed and looking good.
In the past I only fed moms in 5" pots about a tablespoon of fish fert in about 2 quarts of RO water about every 4-6 weeks as needed watering all with the 2 qts and discarding what wasn’t used and I was always more in tune with NOT over watering at normal non feed waterings. I have gotten to the point I dont keep moms more than 6-8 months and discard one new cuts are established.
Dont make my mistakes and over feed your bonsai moms. Im so pissed off at myself for changing what works and the time and trouble it cost me.


How not to treat your mom’s…they are all technically hemp. So you can have as many as you want no fear of getting “busted” :wink::grin:. You don’t need to chop that shit Eva!


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That doesn’t sound right. And I def wouldn’t pull that reasoning if I was standing in front of a judge.


I know right…but there’s no thc so…


In a non legal state living in the burbs as a small personal grower the police around here have better things to do but I was freaking out because I thought someone found out. I’m sure they would have showed up and done their thing but it was a false alarm.


I get nervous in a legal state.



Instead of just flushing with water, try a salt remover like florakleen. I’ve been keeping bonsai moms in 16oz of promix, fed heavily, for a year or more. Though I do need to make some new moms to replace many of them very soon. I have to feed heavy or else they become deficient, heavily root bound but are are like 12” bushes.


I had read about florakleen but I think they were too far gone and I just wanted to restart them in fresh soil. It’s amazing how having a dumbass attack can hurt even though I knew better.

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Rest easy cats. Noone, and i mean noone, is coming to your home, as a private citizen, to count your plants. EDIT:where i come from, hopefully :wink:

Go commercial, or engage in ‘real’ criminal activity, well the bets are off. But, if you are DL, and not selling to kids, noone will ever ask you about your plants.

this is just my .02, and others may have a different opinion.

Weed is no longer a crime in your home, anywhere. Be smart, as rippers, thieves, and haters are more your bugaboo. Dogs, guns, cameras, and constant presence, go a long way in keeping peeps out.

Grow, imbibe, enjoy


Brother, how high are you? Really?


oops sorry, living in my own corner. i guess there are parts where they still hunt weedies. but not in USA. weed is not a crime, there are other things that need to need dealt with, and weed is not at the top of the current list of priorities for leo.

like i said, just what i see, your situation may be diff. some dick gonna drop a dime on you, or your smell is too much to contain, whatever it is. from where i stand, if you aint flying a flag, they aint coming for you, round here.

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very, but dont let that put you off

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easy amigo, just a post on the internet

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ya, its all just opinions and personal experience. no real offense taken, my skin is thickly.

as for bonsai moms, i dont do them often, but when do, root pruning is my friend.

keep it tight

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The United States is pretty big, you’re definitely wrong about my area of it lol…but the DEA recently clarified that cuttings and plants without THC will be treated as regular houseplants i do believe.

I know of some major clone nurseries based out of FL and GA.

Technically, depending on the state, you’re not even legal with 100% hemp if it’s a homegrown and not licensed.


Thank you for the info. Like you said ‘it ain’t legal anywhere technically👀

Sure, some need to walk on eggshells a bit, but try doing it in China or Russia.

It’s nirvana compared to where I came from. They would arrest us for dreaming about marijuana and send us to counseling to tell us how bad weed was. So yeah, you cats are for the most part free to do normal everyday rec stuff, take it too far hmmm then you may no longer be free.


Glad you made it out, some of us are still in that war, yes, even in the US.


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The debate can rage on but in my area I hear news stories about the police raiding a residence and seizing plants etc because the homeowner or worse yet some shit bag renting, got careless and let the smell overwhelm and neighbors noticed or the grower pissed off his ex girlfriend or whatever. Around here the cops dont really care but if you shove it in their faces they WILL do what they do even if they are not actively looking to bust a home grower. And I live in a state with a very big car race this weekend. I can almost hear the track from my house.

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This was partially my doing, and reason why I didn’t carry on. My apologies to @Jasper :v:t2:

All good. Any info is good information

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