Anybody else like to fish?

they are pretty smart,i guess its a message : " get out "…“stop looting our foodsource”…or something like that. if they realy want to kill us or sink a boat this size,it would just take minutes for a pod o orcas …


Never tough I’d see someone hating on Orca.

One death, one. And this was in captivity.

Dolphin have also killed a human, in the wild.

Both Orca and Dolphin have been recorded many times for saving humans.


Not meaning to disappoint you Biglizard, but if I was out to sea on a sailboat and orcas started bashing my boat and rudder, it’s them or me. I can assure you and all orcas who read this :sunglasses: I’d do my best that it wasn’t me :dagger: :crossed_swords: :gun: :bow_and_arrow:
P.S. Never heard of an orca saving a human or any other animal. They’re just big eaters.

Just got back from a 3 day fly fishing trip with a buddy in Maine, got into some nice brookies and then hit the Connecticut in NH for some rainbows. Work today is gonna be a tough adjustment :joy:


Oh man, I’ll bet it will be! I’m feelin’ bad for you, brother.

Beautiful fish! I’ll bet your 3 days was so much fun (and delicious)!


Man Brook Trout are one beautiful fish. And a great way to tell how the local ecosystem is doing.
Rainbows ain’t too shabby either!


Dude! Ole’ @BeagleZ and I are gonna have to make a trip up 95 for a fishin’ trip someday!


Holy, look at them beauts! Well done @LegsMahoney :clap::clap:Indeed, I’m ready for a road trip!!


Whos ready for some ice fishing?!?!?!?!?!!?

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Mutton snapper

Another mutton

More variety…
Black grunt… Yellow grunts… More mutton snapper
I fish in the Atlantic Ocean. In south florida where there’s never colder than mid 50’s and thats only for 1 or 2 weeks out if the year… But we do have hurricanes which makes for excellent fishing. The barometer drops and the fish goes crazy lol… U have to fish before an right after the hurricane. Risky but well worth it… Enjoy my family of OG’rs


Some great eating right there. Maybe I’ll see you out there one day!


@BeagleZ @CrunchBerries let’s go boys! A little cold water therapy is good for the soul. That trip was sorely needed for sure!

@mota i was not my most productive today :joy:

@CanuckistanPete brookies gotta be by far my favorite trout, we just can’t grow as many big ones here as they can in the north woods, it’s gorgeous up there




Nice trout!




i really have to get out and fish sometime this month for kings before they’re gone.


Never caught one!..

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Was out at the local trout lake yesterday evening christening my new DIY fly rod. 10’, 2-piece, 5wt that I have wrapped the guides on temporarily just to get some fishing in with it before the snow flies. The threads I ordered are all size A and too fine to do the decorative wraps I want to do but now have a good headset magnifier from a place right here in Alberta so didn’t have to resort to amazon. I’ll finalize it over the winter so it’s all ready for spring fishing around May.

First rod build in almost 40 years and the first time I ever made my own grip so made it to fit my hand perfectly and it feels great in use. Nothing is glued on yet but holding together nicely while I test it out.

Which reel will look best? I think the smaller Martin I recently got is a better look. I may change the reel seat but had that one left over from way back when and made the little fighting butt from the top grip of an old spinning rod. Just stuck it on the knurled screw-in stem, chucked it in my 20V drill and shaped the cork with files and sandpaper. Need to smooth it down with 360 grit and give it a coat of U-40 Cork Seal to make it match the grip that is coated.


Took my DJI Mini 3 Pro drone with me all equipped with pontoons in case of a water landing and had it locked onto the boat filming while I did some casting so I can analyze my imperfections. First had it going at the height this pic was taken and about 70ft away then lowered it to about 6’ for a couple more casts before landing it in my hand in the boat. Those ripples on the water that go clear across the little pothole lake are from the big fountain aerator they already have going to keep the fishies alive thru the winter. Didn’t get photos of the aerator in action but have video.

Need to get my first time hunters licence online for $70 and a deer tag to put some free meat in the freezer this year. With my gut problems commercial beef is off the menu and with ground bison at $17/lb the $400 I’m spending tomorrow for a near new Savage .270 with a scope worth over $400 on it’s own seems like a damn good investment. I just blew 400 on Friday for a 12 gauge Canadian Defender with a pistol grip, raptor style grip and standard shoulder stock. 17" barrel with 3 chokes and muzzle flash attachment. Made in Turkey and nothing fancy but will do the job whatever it may be. The neighbour I’m getting the rifle from was home invaded about 3 years ago and his wife is still pretty traumatized by it. Wouldn’t move back into the house for almost a year and not until it was locked down like Ft. Knox with cameras all over and security doors and windows installed. Another one just 6 miles down the highway a few months ago. Neither place had a big dog in the front yard but I do and he raises hell if anything moves in the dark. I installed a motion detector security camera in the carport watching the driveway and front yard that uploads any alerts to the cloud and sends a copy to my phone. Can listen to what’s going on and speak thru it using the phone app too. I just leave it off unless we go somewhere. Getting dangerous everywhere these days.
