Anybody else like to fish?

This lady was fresh out of the lake. So much energy in these.


Gorgeous fish. Is that the Niagara river?


It certainly is :+1:


I used to catch 8/10 salmon a season, then back in 2018/19 the salmon pass at the brine was removed and access closed for the year just approaching the salmon/sea trout run.

That wasn’t the actions of anyone with migratory understanding making that call.
That aside it shouldn’t have affected the years after?

To look at the pass, it’s a steller job they made with what they had to work with but I went 2 full seasons with barely a tug, it was looking a 3rd but in the last few weeks of this season I landed 2 salmon and 3 sea trout, im baffledby it?

This isn’t any of them, it’s a personal best brown trout, I didn’t weight it but reckon around 4lb

8ft 4wt rod and a dry fly.


That’s a gorgeous brown!


Awesome sauce. 32 lbs of King salmon can pulI hard. They go where they want to go and all one can do is hang on. Great catch done in a very one on one way. Respect.

I’ve used mine in the past for surf fishing. I made a couple of PVC rod holders for mine, and used to use it to get our baits farther from shore. One time, I had gone a little to far, and discovered the rip tide was taking me farther from shore than I wanted and my oversized flippers were not making any progress getting back.

After trying hard for a few minutes to make my way back, I realized that the current was not letting it happen. I then started using the flippers angling into the current, and finally made my way back to shore about 3/4 of a mile from where I started. My legs were jelly from paddling hard. I could barely stand when I finally made it back. Lesson learned. After that, we would tie about 100 yards of rope to the float tube where my bud on shore could pull me back in if it happened again. It was the only time it happened to me, but taught me a valuable lesson about rip tides. It could have ended much worse.

Thanks for reply M8.
Cheers, Jeff


I second that :blush:

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Float tubes lol…
I’m often in excruciating pain fishing, once in a moment of desperation it crossed my mind to get a float tube and fix it to the river bank so i had a seat mid stream :rofl:

The oddest thing, I didn’t get into fishing until I had a back injury and was recovering, I only went with my dad to pass time, never for a moment did I think I’d get hooked on fishing.


after my workplace injury that messed up my pelvis and lower back I couldn’t walk without a walker and needed help doing everything for some time. I was an avid steelheader/river fisherman and I also fished the west coast salmon runs off the west side of vancouver island. There was no doing any of that for several years but i needed to pretty much learn to walk properly again. I had a float tube and a couple buddies went and bought all the gear, I taught them to tie flies and for several years we fished in our tubes as often as possible, The excersize was incredible for regaining my strength and muscles after being down and out for so long. I really think that float tubing afforded me recovery that enables me to be still on my feet today. Only for short periods though which kinda sucks LOL I need to get back in the tube this spring.
Ice is almost ready for me to be comfortable out there… gettin excited!!!


Sounds like they closed it off and that year’s run failed entirely, but for most salmon that ought to only have been a 25% to 34% hit to their population and shouldn’t have noticeably affected the following year’s run. Pink salmon are different, with a really solid bi-yearly spawn. If you knocked out a whole spawn year of pinks, I think there’d be pretty well nothing left.


Yes i agree with that, what happened or is happening doesn’t make sense.
The most popular theory is salmon are able to run straight through now.

I think that’s wishful thinking, it’s a 100% spate river it doesn’t have any volume at summer/autumn levels for fish to run.

Ime regardless of the river system rain turns them on, after rain they arrive in numbers.

Since it opening up again I’ve fished 1000s of hours in A1 conditions and never touched a thing for almost 3 years.


That must have been difficult to deal with especially with you being an active angler, it’s good to hear you’re getting out again fishing is certainly therapeutic.

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Another personal best from a local burn/stream.

It’s a lovely looking trout.


About a year or so after the workplace accident we moved to a place out in farm country and close to a slough and creek that held good numbers of cuttthroat trout and salmon in season. My room mate would drive me down there and I would sit in my lawn chair smokin doobs fishing with a bobber and worm or a small chunk of salmon roe. Thats what I did during Steelhead season for 3 years because I couldn’t walk or stand on uneven ground without help. Took me 5 years from my accident to be able to get back to doing more on my legs and fishing… especially that float tube flyfishing… was a major part of my recovery… and copious amounts of home grown :wink:


I’ve ruined 3 phones this year, one in particular had 80% of my fishing related pics.

I’ve been collecting the ones I’ve shared but that’s only a fraction of them, I wasn’t aware of it but back in 2019 I uploaded a bunch of fishing pictures.

In no particular order.


I’m delighted with that find!


A spanish mackerel and a jack fried with steamed white rice. Ohh yeah babieee


Looks like a Cero mackeral and Blue Runner. Excellent food.


Looking at fishing pictures i get a chance to relive the moment in some small way, when I’m looking back at them I can remember the weather, what I caught, who I was with, river conditions etc.

When I look at this phot I remember the cold hanging in the air (fkg freezing) but I was high on fishing, I’d landed 6 sea trout that night had a few more tugs and tussles, you know what it’s like you don’t usually just land 6.

At the time i had went from only being able to fish for only two hours absolute max to being able to fish night and day, it was still painful but not crippling, I tried new painkillers from the doc that are actually for epilepsy but they gave me a new lease on life, literally!

Fresh as paint, I had it for breakfast.


I love fishing. Haven’t been out since October. Seeing all the pics you folks post here has me itchy. Lol. Only a couple more months and I’ll be able to get out again.


That is beyond awesome! I am so happy for you that you once again get to do something you love for extended periods of time! And there’s some good eats involved too! :+1: