Anybody else like to fish?

Nice @Organic
Lake or river?


Out on Lake Simcoe foshin for Lakers n Whities now!!
Hopin the bite picks up soon.


Small 80 acre lake near me.


That’s true with every type of fish out there.
This time of year you should be pitching big baits the bigger the better.
Earlier in the year you go small.

Then matching what they like and what’s around this time of the year is another situation.

Nice fish, I myself have never caught a musky my wife has 42 to her credit.
I did catch a 48" gator thou, that was a blast.


I am going fishing at one of my all time favorite honey holes next week.
I have not gone fishing for a few years, largely due to injuries sustained a while back.

I moved to South Fl primarily in order to grow buds outdoors year round, and fish year round.

Spectacular action consistently at this hot spot.
Going after baracuda with ultra light spinning outfits, 4 to 6 lb test mono with wire leaders, and using Krocodile spoons. You get a fish on almost every cast, baracuda will jump once or twice, then make a mad run. You need a good pair of needle nose pliers in order to remove the treble hooks. Looking forward to seeing if I am still capable of this type of action. I doubt that I can wrestle with Tarpon any more.

I want to share this spot with any fishing OGers that may be visiting Key West.

This water is mostly very shallow (below my waist) we just wade out on the flats, cast and retrieve very quickly. It is important not to wade with bare feet.
It is just a little bit before you get into Key West.


I 48" pike is a better catch than a 50" muskie in my opinion… thats awesome!


Wife caught a 40 in the same spot same night
Mississippi River, Minnesota


Rock River in between Erie and Rick Island excellent for big pikee.


3 men 3 limits of walleye. Had no phone on the lake just got done bagging it up. Biggest fish of the day was my 26.5"greenback threw back lots of smalls and sauger.


Nice haul. I see a Fishfry in your future.


Have you ever used tube lures for barracuda, @Calyxander? They are another sure fire cuda catcher.

DIY Tube lure


Day started with small sauger then I got this pig.

Yes those are my sunglasses😁 and yes I rip at fishing🙌
LW allows one over slot size (max 21.75") so this one got iced. Put back one larger than this one 26.5". My buddy took a picture of that one if he sends it I’ll post that one too.
Makin fish taco tonight. Most of the fish we caught were in the 17" range. Conditions were okay with 4x4 lake had lots of truck trails 1000+vehicles for sure.


Nice. It didn’t seem to be as cold and windy as they said it was going to be but I wasn’t as exposed as on Lake Winnipeg. Back in the Winnipeg River System.

Is that Walleye? Man, I’d love to have a few walleye that size in my house… probably never make it to the freezer!


Yes that’s a walleye. The fish in lake winnipeg have a characteristic green colouration on thier backs hence the nickname greenback. To make things even more confusing Manitobans often call walleye pickerel which is incorrect.

wish I would’ve cooked more up last night today when I got home my kids had polished off the leftovers.


All of my likes are used up but I sure like that! I’m from the south and I worked with a guy from Wisconsin and one from Minnesota. We were living in Montana and working in North Dakota and I started getting taught about the walleye. It was some of the best fried fish I’d ever had.

Then my buddy from Wisconsin had he me out one year and we fished and caught buckets full of yellow perch and that was really special, too. But those North Dakota Walleyes still make my mouth water. It’s like fish candy!



Caught this beach casting in the River Mersey the other night, it’s a smooth hound. Also had 3 Sea Bass


yea i find fishing very relaxing i have never saw a trout or a pike i caught some monester alligator jar fish. and catfish that weighed 30 lbs. i prefer fish that weight about 1 pound for eating keep your hook in the water peace. sorry no camera phone.


What is that a Burbot?