Anybody else like to fish?

been out a few times recently



No,you call it Wels Catfish/Sheatfishā€¦@ Elbe River

hereĀ“s a smaler oneā€¦


We donā€™t have them round here
You eat them?


sure,itĀ“s like your catfishā€¦i guess. we eat it cooked.panfried or smokedā€¦smoked itĀ“s best!!!
((the biggest we got some yrs ago was 2meters long and got ~60kg))

but they can grow monstersā€¦


Thatā€™s awesome bro. I was up at the lake yesterday and met a guy that had a fishing kayak from Old Town (canoe people). I talked to him a lot about it. I have a basic sit inside Sun Dolphin.

Iā€™d like to have one of the Hobie boats. He had all of the same stuff you have. Fully decked out. Iā€™d like having one of those GPS depth finders. I need one of those fish measuring devices. He had the same green one you have.

We have a couple of kayak tournaments on our lake coming up. Iā€™ll be there drooling on the fishing rigs. Having to use a paddle all of the time makes it tough sometimes. I lost mine the other day while landing a largeā€™ish fish. Luckily I was blowing into shore and was able to walk back up the shoreline and found it. I wasnā€™t even aware It dropped off of the boat. And, once the wind comes up a little its tough managing it all.


Did you eat this?

Iā€™ve got a half doz pfluegers or better.
2 of the small Arbors
2 of the med Arbors
2 of the large ones

I also have a couple Presidentā€™s.


Canā€™t beat a pflueger. Iā€™ve got the president, the supreme and the patriarch.

I match them with Fenwick HMG/HMX or an Abu Rod.

Took this set up down to the river with the kids a few days ago.


Some more sea bass and some lug worm, peeler crab are the best bait over here big lug arenā€™t bad


When I was growing up here on merseyside the river was a health hazard, the sewer pipes used to empty untreated sewage straight into the river, we used to go and stand on the end of the pipes and fishā€¦You could see all the sewage coming out the end of the pipes. The river was fully of mersey mice and mersey gold fish. ( tampax and condoms) on certain tides all the human shit would be left on the beach. Huge sand banks covered in shite.
But fuck me has it changed. Itā€™s now spotless and full of all sorts of marine live, itā€™s fucking brilliant. The change is unbelievable totally unbelievable.
Iā€™m out again tomorrow, 2pm high tide, will let you know how I get on


If I ever get back down that way I would love to try that out. I have watched guys fishing Baracuda on the flats on tv. Looks like it would be a blast. I have an ultralight rod that is always working no matter what Iā€™m chasing. Iā€™ve caught a lot of good fish on it you just gotta set the drag and wear them out. Baracuda would just be the ultimateā€¦ive always wanted to fish for them. I donā€™t know if I could handle a big tarpon buy if I get down your way Iā€™d have to bring some big flathead catfish rig for them. I dought I could use my ultralite for themā€¦but Iā€™d love to try


Iā€™m going to next Weekend to a lil spot near the mb/nd border. Lots of 17-20ā€ walleye if you know where they are itā€™s easy to limit out with bottom bouncers/crawler haulers and an electric trolling motor.


The best walleye I ever ate were from NoDak. That state has some good fishing.

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I just started getting back into fishing. Bought a new fly rod on Tuesday. Snapped the tip off today because Iā€™m a window licker.

Editā€¦ was checking Canadian tires site to see if there was a no questions warranty just too see it is now on sale for 20$ less. My typical luck


Good luck with a tarpon on ultralight.


Awww hell bud, I might ge luckyā€¦lol. I was just shittin. My river gear should handle themā€¦maybe. Most likely my body would give out before it.


Gigantic tarpon can be caught on medium-light tackle in large, open water from a boat.
If you are close to mangroves or in a small body of water, like a canal, youā€™re going to need a much heavier outfit.

I have been left with bruises and aching muscles after wrestling with silver kings using 10lb spinning outfits. I have had several exhausting battles with tarpon which left me drained and limp after a couple of hours fighting to bring the fish to the boat.

Once about 25 years ago, after having fought a very large tarpon with 10lb test, and bringing it to the boat, I rested up for a little while and went back at them with a cast, which was hit immediately. I set the hook as hard as I could and after a couple of runs the tarpon pulled the rod and reel right out of my hands, up into the air, and neither rod nor tarpon was ever seen again.
After that embarrassing failure I learned to hand over the rod to a fresher buddy in the boat, if I had already tussled with a big tarpon earlier in the day.

I would be sore for a week after fighting these formidable fish. Sadly, I now do not have the stamina or strength to do this any longer.


How big is a Tarpon that takes two hours to land? I never got to fish for them.

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Brook Trout caught 5/24/20. @ Cobbossee Stream Manchester, Maineā€¦ Grew up on the Belgrade Lakesā€¦ all I ever do on my free timeā€¦


Damn thatā€™s a nice sized brookie! Great job @Trich_house!

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