Anybody else like to fish?

It’s the only species you can snag here. From what I understand paddlefish are vegetarians, so you can’t really bait them.

You can use game fish for bait as long as you catch them with a hook. You aren’t allowed to net them.


Illegal to do so here, but small perch and sunfish catch big bass hehe. All my favorite lures are perch or fire tiger colored :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well that’s cool Thanks for the info. We can bowfish for ‘coarse’ species here and I think maybe spearing for a short season. Hook and worm isn’t the only way! lol


Caught a bunch of keeper crappie this evening, fish for dinner!


What state you in, what’s Temps been like?


mid to upper 70’s. Had snow on the ground last week. Bite was great before the cold front then shut off. Now it’s picking up nicely!


Are you north east??

Wolf down lunch and lug a tackle box, but it’s one hour of my life I’ll never have to want back, even though I didn’t catch a thing.


Fishing and catching are two different things. One can always fish.
I’m glad to hear you used your hour wisely.


I got to walk a mile or so, wading the Yellow Breeches yesterday, just tossing spinners. Water was great, the temps perfect, just a stunning walk. There is just a serene peace, standing in the water, fishing while smoking some delicious Honey Badger Haze
I only got a small trout, and couple of hassle fish, but wow what a great time!


Funny how fish from a certain area will get used to certain lures and somewhere else that same lure might be killer. I stopped using MEPS a while ago because Panther Martins seem to be doing better. Panther Martins were excellent for probably 20 years, and now they don’t catch fish like they used to, unless it’s in a remote stream. Some of the larger waters are hit pretty hard where I live. Doesn’t take long for fish to realize that if they eat something that looks a certain way it’s going to have strings attached LOL. Here’s a local troutwater I was at last evening


Nice spot how’d you do?

Absolutely gorgeous man. Makes me want to go trout fishing for sure. It’s been years…

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Lost a nice one. Line snapped. Sharpish edges on the rocks. I usually use 6lb braid, but had 6lb. fluorocarbon this time. My buddy and I have both lost this fish more than once. We’ve never caught another fish in this particular waterfall hole, ( middle picture) and as you can see this is certainly a honey hole. I know it’s a lunker, bullying all the little fish out. This is the same stream I caught that blunt-nosed brown trout in. That one was the 20 inch or so oh, and I think this one’s probably bigger . Numerous waterfalls in a mile long gorge, and I’ve never seen another fisherman there. If I’m having a rough stretch fishing in other waters I come here to make myself feel better, as long as the water level is right. If the water is high it’s pretty impossible to catch a fish. They hold tight under the edges of the waterfalls. Beautiful stream. Hemlock trees overhanging the cliffs, which are up to a hundred feet tall. Once you are in The Gorge there is no getting out except the way you came in or the opposite direction.


Did you see that Tiger Trout they’re introducing in some areas?


We have some( stocked) at a local Reservoir, but they don’t get as large as I’ve seen in other places. The largest waterfall Hole In The Stream i just showed ( down near the mouth of the stream) has tiger trout in it. Brookies and Browns (the very occasional Rainbow) both hang out in that waterfall hole, and from what I understand these tigers are a natural hybrid, although they can’t reproduce themselves. Very aggressive. I’ll let a worm sit for 10 minutes with no bite, but the second I reel it in they hammer it. They can’t resist that motion. And the closer you get that worm to shore the more aggressive they get. I’ve had them jump out of the water to get the worm while I’m fishing from a small cliff just above. Pretty fish. Same silver color as the Brookies and Browns in the Stream. I caught a beautiful wild tiger trout in a different body of water that was one of the nicest looking trout I’ve ever seen. They can get massive, but I’ve never seen that. You have them by you?


I’m not sure what kind of trout we got here.
We have lots of trout creeks, smallish rivers but not my thing.
Big Sunnies and Big Northerns are more my speed.


Never caught a pike, but lots of pickerel fishing. A local pond around here they go into a Feeding Frenzy around the end of June. One day I went out with my uncle, grandfather and cousin, for about 4 hours and we caught a 120 fish. Twice while next to the boat 15 inch pickerel got engulfed by a much larger Pickerel and we nearly reeled them into the boat before they let go. Lots of fun. I’d love to catch a northern! Pickerel on steroids. We have them in the Adirondacks, but I usually Target trout and bass up there. Lots of good Smallmouth Lakes.


In a local Lake around here guy caught a two and a half pound bluegill. It was the size of a dinner plate. It was missing a large piece of its back where an otter or mink must have bit it. He caught it very deep


That’s huge!!!