Anybody else like to fish?

they will eat just fine…

Those are some very beautiful fish @Jinglepot .

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Many thanks! We’ve been going there for our yearly fly fishing trip for 15 years, this year was by far the slowest year, but that was due to having to go late because of COVID restrictions. Got a Tan, a good drunk on and a few fish… still an awesome trip. Now we wait for the Salmon to start running!!

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I can identify with this.


Brings back memories 1979 on a road trip ‘out West’ with my Mom, Dad and sister… A usual roadside picnic lunch Mom was famous for, followed by some casting into a tributary of a river that obviously flowed IN from the Arctic somewhere LOL. My dad got his new #3 copper finish mepps snagged on the second cast. I’ll never forget the look in his eyes when he said, damn, you’re gonna have to go swimming… at 14 years old, it was as if my childhood was now in payback mode…all these years doing jack shit around the house (like rarely taking the garbage out on time) and living the dream. Now it was as if my innocence and surely my testicles were taking one for the team, or The leader, as I was finally of some practical use (besides being overbearingly cute all the time). I gave my Dad the double-take. “So this is when I get kicked out of the nest, for a 3 buck spinner” I thought to myself. I was half protestingly thinking of saying something like, “sure looks cold” or “that current is strong” when my Dad added, “You’ll have to go in naked, your bathing suit is in the trunk”!!! WTF now supposedly am I going into an ice flow filled raging torrent, instantly shrink my almost pubescent genitals, into themselves like a deflating balloon, while fighting off the current in 6 feet of water?? I’m not the greatest swimmer, and was getting a little scared, but Dad set my mind at ease by saying, " hurry, Mom can’t see us". Oh I’m fucked now, I thought, and tried to come up with why I was now worth 3 bucks (plus tax) to my Superman, my Hero. I passed school, I didn’t bite my sister in the car this morning, and I haven’t got carsick yet??? So I’m stuck with fatherly abandonment, genital frostbite (and ensuing sterility) and perhaps drowning OR running to Mom and stopping this whole tragedy from unfolding. I summoned my most defiant, disrespectful, response EVER to my Father, risking a lifelong bond with the Man I loved most in this world. Turned my back took a deep breath, turned my kill face on, then whirled around and asked nicely “can you go get me a towel, please”? Needless to say, my balls, his Mepps, and our relationship all passed the test and survived.
Just another fish ‘story’ to start the day… I was all for going in actually, Dad was thrilled I actually succeeded, we had a little secret from Mom for the rest of their days, she always thought I just went for a wade, but to me and my Dad, it was one of those things buddies do together, y’know teeter on the edge for a lark, but safely…right??? Happy Belated Fathers Day to all you Dads, Sons and Daughters fishing teams in OG land!!!


Been there done that


I figured I was not alone.

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I sure needed a laugh after the day I’ve had. This one did it for sure.


Drove for an hour, to walk for an hour, to find at the end of a 3 mile road, 100 feet from the water, a “No Trespassing” sign. Ignored it, and there was another sign, “No Shore Fishing Beyond This Point.”

Like, holy shit. There was no map at the parking lot. I cast anyway, and prayed a game warden showed up so I could cuss him out.


went to the lake for perch this morning, had one on for like 10 seconds and lost it, probably didn’t set the hook hard enough, it’s been a long while since i’ve gone fishing. beside a couple bites nothing else. i’ll keep at it and post pics once i finally catch something.


Caught this one yesterday off the dock. Must have thought he was getting a big meal.


Just as long as you weren’t expecting a big meal.
We’ve been doing pretty good a couple hours at night, gillies, crappies, rockys and bass with a few hammer handles added in.


Not big but still. It will be one day or a snack.

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Nice nice. Thanks for the share.

There is some great Pike bait or at least that’s what we used to do. Catch perch and than rig them up live and go after some Northerns. Not sure that’s legal any more though :thinking:

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Baby steelhead


We freeze whole trout and use em for pike.


We alway caught them live before heading out. Special rig that you put under skin so you end up with 2 sets of hooks, one behind head and one by tail. Than they can still swim. Good times, well unless you’re the perch.


Nice pictures.

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Smallmouth from the same day…