Anybody else like to fish?

Deff will take whatever you got left to drive home …yeah they previously closed the upper fly for a good portion of last year tried telling some dude he didn’t wanna hear it … Thought he was in a gold mind when he seen about 70 stamina on the other side of the bridge and no one fishing at me and the old lady this year decided to do some scouting around Orwell and a couple other towns outside of Pulaski on a live really nice place is definitely going to hit on this yearWe were driving through these back roads and I ended up finding this farmers field we took it down to the end of the trail and there was a bridge I look around the ones they seem to bass looked over on the other side there’s about 12 Salmon and cohos and a pod of steelies it was like a trench bowl so deff hard to fish

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dude, yea, we’ve tried to scout some lower key spots to hit when the typical “marked on the map” spots are overrun during the busy season, it can be so hit or miss though, you end up spending more time in the truck than on the water, so we fell back to just waking up at 2am to go down and stake a spot in the fly zone. set up with a jetboil and a bottle of whiskey and just really lean into being a fish bum for a couple days.

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Hell yeah man can’t beat it really I’m addicted lol ! We always ending up leaving the trestle just to go back to the trestle the woman has all the gear and everything year two now she’s finally in fishing ! Deff works out having a camera lady tons of sweet footage wish I could upload it here lol


Just got off the ice, good morning, the trout were hitting light, lost a few then got into some slot sized fish (40-55 cm) and then my partner/daughter got into something big…5 min later 35.5 inch Laker…Holy smokes, She was in tears hoping it wasn’t hurt, a quick video and back into the lake strongly swimming back down. Soooo proud of my girl, fought it like a pro…approx 18 lb fish on 6 lb. test and the new rod her brother got her for Christmas. I was very nervous netting that beast with our little net. Pics later.


@Rabeats2093 Your the Man Bro…

You deserve this for them Massive Hauls Young Man :crossed_fingers:



If you make me it I’ll take. Lol Hell brother I got so good no bragging intended went a whole year and a half without catching one at first then I started handing off my poles to younger kids just to get them hooked !

Even sometimes I would hand the pole to the guy next to me trying to impress his wife almost all the kings I legally hook I send them on there way with less fortunate fisherman

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Dayumm nice catch !!!
Leave it up to the daughter to nail the monster congrats sis !


My buddy hired me for one of his 23 ft boats to take .com gents from Seattle to go fishing for
Sturgeon in the Roosevelt River…

I never watched poor basterds try to haul in a 14 foot fish with ultra light gear pouring out lol
Atlantic sturgeon can grow to approximately 16 feet long and can weigh up to 800 pounds.

I wish I was a young .com worker that can afford $1,600 for a 2 day trip, bedding, food boat guide etc …lol


I would do unthinkable things for a job like that …guide service or something of the sort !

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I just lucked out met the guy at an NRA banquet and we became friends, he worked as a pilot for fedex for 40 years has 2,100 acres in Elk Wa…

the same guys from Seattle pay $800 no guarantees you get a turkey for 2 days same deal , these young guys are bored with ton of cash …

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Heck yeah that’s pricey for a bird hunt ! Here in NY we don’t have shit for big game hunting bear and deer …so practically the desperate with a lot of cash are taking advantage of the high priced trophy hunts but talking about all that Will bring us to the hunters thread haha

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09 I took the Wa state record for Eastern WA weighted in at a legal authorized weight station at Bass Pro Shops in Idaho…

43 .04 pound’s 11 inch beard 1 1/2 inch spikes

received a state bonze lapel pin, certificate lol


you would never have gotten this guy in on 6 lb test i use 15 and it was singing

one day last July on Lake Erie. That’s a 30” fish I’m holding. Probably not ten pounds but I’d say over nine


Love fishing, love smoking, both toguether just tops!
I’m mostly a largemouth bass fisherman, so I fish mostly in dams, ponds and lakes.
Despite I love fishin it has been over an year I last went fishing, I might need to reload my fishing reels!
Nice catches there!


Eldest girl with a nice one, Thanks for dinner, Kiddo.


@Cannasaurusrex Think you outta put on a hr no fish rule when you get there so you can get a chance at some :grin:nice job love the dedication you guys share !
Mhhhmhmmm some good eating


Well sir I kindly say if you are able to get your ass out there while you can do it :laughing:


And as they say “The best time to go fishing is…whenever you can!” @TastyCrop


Last year