Anybody else like to fish?

I’ll give you gps co-ordinates to our ice hut, all tackle provided… for a shot at Stream Brownies like that. LOL We haven’t had any luck around the stocked streams here. Browns are one we haven’t caught yet, but hear so much about around the right circle of fishers. Beautiful creatures.


If you’re ever around southern Ontario hit me up!


Just n. o Lindsay…we do some fishing in Duffins, Ganaraska, Bowmanville, rainbows and Salmon. Come spring maybe my son and I could go out with ya, we’re gonna try the Spring Rainbow run in Lake Superior this year.


This one was slippery, and released without dropping it lol

man I’m getting sparse up top. or as they say “I’m not losing hair, I’m getting more head”. rimshot…


Gonna be running some tip ups for big pike next weekend. Fingers crossed for something picture worthy :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Good Luck! What a rush through the ice seeing those beasts come up the hole, watch yer fingers LOL


For sure! They can be extra nasty when they get exposed to the super cold air :sweat_smile:


Glad you’re back on the water. I’m sure we’ll be able to get out there with our friends again this summer…SOOOOO hoping for that. Would love to read your article…link maybe?


OOOOHHh the SLUSH and the wind and the skunking, rough month on the small back lakes. thought i was goin swimming at one point, stepped into a covered hole water to my thigh did the drift assisted splits. Quite the soaker, there was a stick under a foot of snow LOL. shoulda took a pic, wiggling around like a stoned elephant seal stuck in the snow. Was waitin for a fellow Newfie to whack me with a spiked board and drag me home for dinner…didn’t even catch a cold…only caught a buzz so WIN lol


I fell down the rocks at the spill way last night. Broke a B M diamond series crappie rod. I limped to the store to by another diamond series this morning.


you or blesed to have 2 boys. to teach how to fish.


Finally got out on the ice yesterday, with half a dozen kids in tow. My girls had a blast running around with their cousins, which was the best part of the whole day. Kids didn’t seem to mind the fact that we only flagged 1 small northern, so we adults didn’t mind either. I’d share the pic, but it’s a family pic and I’m much too lazy to blur everyone’s faces :sweat_smile:


You’re ok enough to go shop,(dedication) did you catch anything after that? LOL ahh slippery riverbanks, hope you stayed dry.

This guy is in for a long day, of not fishing lol


Funny thing is…I was on flat real wide concrete side walk. Next thing I know I’m landing 10 feet down in the rocks. I think a demon tried to got me…I’m not sure I’m going back there anymore. The crappie were not biting either.


Wise choice…bad juju and good fishing don’t go together, hope yer butt heals, glad you aren’t hurt.


Here in the SE USA we have lots of good fishing. I love it all, but I mostly fish for crappie and panfish using ultralight gear. I also tie my own jigs. I caught a new PB crappie last week - 2.47 lbs over 16 inches. I released her - I only keep crappie between 11" and 14". The kids have moved out, and she is a vegan, so I only keep a couple for myself. Love me some fresh fish tacos. A local res I fish is beautiful, no gas engines allowed, with kingfishers and bald eagles about. It is extremely relaxing and cathartic to float in my jon, and catch some nice fish.


What lake are you fishing? I grew up in Bama and fished a lot with my dad. I grew up going to Lake Eufaula for crappie every year. That’s a beauty!


Don’t want to dox myself too much, as this ain’t a rec state. It is a county municipal water reservoir of under 500 acres that happens to be near me, although there are several huge reservoirs within 3 hours drive. Never fished Eufala before, but it looks nice - except for all the gators!


That a nice fish…

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I like this B&M Diamond Series…Tipped with Action Bite Indicator. If a fish it the bait with a upward motion…the indicator will raise up…if fish runs with bait…indicator will bend down… The cool thing is all that will happen before you feel the fish on the rod… so when the tip moves different…set the hook…