Anybody else like to fish?

We’re doin’ the opening weekend around one of these spots, I won’t post up any specific areas on public, but if you are into it I can give details or meet up thru pm… My son posted his vids on FB, so I can’t download on here…bummer…Was quite a find for us…I don’t think too many people are aware of these particular places, theres are dozens, most were private property a few years back. Fingers crossed there will be no one around, but there was NO sign of past angling. dirt bikes, atv’s and partiers yes…fisherman? don’t think so…Any other steelheaders on OG looking in the GTA area for less crowded opp? post up here.


One week left of waiting for these…



Oh man, I sure do love to fish! Pretty much strictly fly fishing these days, but I grew up fishing the muddy waters for catfish. Now. It’s all about the trout.

Here’s one from way out in the backcountry.


Another passion of mine that I wish I did more of.


@Red Rock & matos420…
Those are beauts…


Glad this thread woke up for spring…WOW nice fish! What kinda trout is that @RedRock ? Very pretty fish, looks like a beast too.


That’s a wild snake river cutthroat. It was definitely a good size for that stream!


“We’re doin’ the opening weekend around one of these spots, I won’t post up any specific areas on public, but if you are into it I can give details or meet up thru pm…”

All I can say is…BRAVO!

Nothing I hate worse than reading about one of my favorite fishing spots on the WORLD WIDE WEB!!!
If you have a good spot, keep it to yourself or it won’t be for long. I hike in to my favorite rainbow/salmon river for quite a ways (not as far as I used to). It used to be rare to see anyone back there even 10 years ago. Now I show up there at 530 am sometimes to 20 cars parked on a deadend dirt road, guys are gutting salmon for eggs and throwing the carcass on the ground, I get snagged on braided all over the river (hate that stuff) and of course there’s the garbage idiots had no problem carrying in, but can’t carry out.

OK…rant over. :crazy_face:


Yes I feel you there when I was younger I felt it was easier to go fishing for Salmon these days I hit the river’s and I usually come back home empty handed. Last year I bought my license and didn’t get a single day to get out due to work. This year I am going fishing hook or crook

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Only 7 or 8 years ago there was plenty of days I’d go and have 8, 9, 10 on and land 4 or 5. I’d keep one if it was still silver and release the rest. Over the last 5 years it’s rare to catch more than 1. Plus lot’s of skunks. And the same guys who are killing an entire fish to take its eggs are complaining they aren’t catching fish.

Wonder what the reason for that is?


Man, as much as carp kinda skeeve me out I’m sure that thing put up a hell of a fight. What weight rod did you get him on??


As many carp as I’ve seen over the years since I moved to Ontario, I’ve never caught one. Heard the trick is corn & chumming the water, but it’s not really the kind of fishing I tend to be into. I like the backwoods, small creek stuff and I really hope the carp haven’t made it that far upstream or into the waters I usually fish yet, though it’s only a matter of time lol. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, I like having public fishing opps, there is a ton of water in our area that is private property and has never had any fishing pressure until recently (due to urban expansion). Unfortunately the reason they are ‘open’ to fishing is the same reason why they may be destroyed for fish. The best stream I have encountered (besides the Ganaraska) is doomed to be silted out from construction run-off this year. Seriously 20 breeding wrens per 10 yards of gravel beds, just clogged with adult Rainbows. World class creek has a new city of 80,000 being created in its headwaters, and is currently ‘owned’ by a developer. Kinda hard to respect game laws when ‘the man’ has paid to destroy all the game, we wait till the season and respect the laws, cause it isn’t the fishes fault. So I don’t think giving up the location(s) in this case, is going to adversly affect the overall fishing going forward. Its a rare chance at an almost virgin fishery. Especially when it’s just OG members I’m gonna tell. Fishing websites don’t like talking about smoking weed for some reason??? Like peas and carrots to me LOL.


I’m lucky to live right near some of the best fishing in the world, I used to fish 5 days a week and now I probably fish a couple of days a month.
I could go on and on with pics.


that’s crazy .


We get these chinook salmon that will get into the 80lbs range, this one is just cresting 40lbs


where are you located? those kings are massive.

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I finally caught one of those on my fly rod… at the shallow head of a small lake. Super clear and there were a couple cruising around for food. I finally led it pretty good with a dry fly and he came up like a submarine, took the fly and went back down. It was super clear water. I lifted the rod and he just put the head down and headed towards the deep end of the lake.

It took about twenty minutes to tire him out, and was well worth the effort.


Wow, a chinook on the dry! Impressive :+1:

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