Anybody else like to fish?

Please do… I like big fish (and bud) porn LOL. Chinook on a fly…wicked!


Mine was only a carp, lol. Maybe 10lbs. But it was fun.

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not big but many. Lol. Stocking my pond so this is the revive tank. The wife is so happy😎


Glad I found this thread. Been wanting to show this puppy off! Wish I had a scale out there, I had left it in the car.


Are those yellow perch? That would sure be nice to have a farm pond full of them. Really cool.

Do you use a trap or something to catch them without injury? Or just catch them fishing and treat them gentle?


Yeah I hate when I see fish carcasses floating down the river because all they want were the eggs. I was told as a kid to release the female Salmon and I still do that to this day if I catch one. Let them finish the journey it’s quite an amazing journey Salmon go through from egg to adult and to return to the same river that’s just Awesome and beautiful to watch them.:call_me_hand:


So in the ice and early spring where I am the fish are very hardy. I have a 160 qt. Cooler in the truck with a battery aerator. Its a pain but I take 25 at a time. I’ve only put in eaters but I’ve seen small fry on edges of pond. Oh and yes there are yellow perch,crappie and some bull blue gills in there.

   Fish on!
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How many of you guys are on the Front Range?

Is there any interest in a Front Range fishing club?


I’m certainly on the front range in my mind, my body however is nowhere close :cry:


I’m outside of Trinidad, on the front range but almost in New Mexico. We have a State Park lake here that has good fishing. Our river is not as good as I’d like because they release water to go to Kansas farmers and the river volume gets low. Most of everything is private around here, too.

We have two lakes up near Cuchara pass on Hwy 12 that are fun in summer. I fish from a kayak and have a good time unless it’s windy. I’d love to have the pedal powered one. Those guys can fish in anything almost, with their hands always free. I go up to the Arkansas River sometimes. Two hour drive but it’s a beautiful one.

There are lots of places around the front range, but the good rivers are in or near the mountains. I really want to go to the Conejos River west of Antonito. I love fishing the lakes for the Walleye and Smallmouth Bass. We have lots of rainbow, too, and they fight harder than anything.

Where on the front range are you near? I got another buddy in Colo. Springs who would probably get involved. My problem is I live on a small fixed income and sometimes I’m financially challenged when it comes to traveling too far.

I’ve had fun at Eleven Mile, too. They also have Spinney Mtn, Reservoir, and Antero REs. not too far away. I’ve heard they all have an abundance of really large fish. I’ve only been up there a few times and never got to fish.

The water is still cold in Trinidad Lake, but the temps should start rising soon. We have Yellow Perch in there as well as the others. Supposed to be some Largemouth Bass, too.

I hope this crazy wind will settle down soon. It’s been at least a week of no stop winds. It was blowing crazy hard all night which is weird. Lots of wind above 40mph. I’m really surprised we haven’t lost power yet. Fingers crossed.

Wow! a lake stocked with all good eating fish. I bet the perch could reach some nice sizes in a farm pond. Come on Spring! peace


That is awesome Gman. I am in the Springs too, and I also live more or less check to check so I’m not renting any lodges or anything.

I go up and down the Front Range. Haven’t been to Trinidad yet though. I am mostly fishing Lake Pueblo at the moment, but I fish pretty much everywhere.


I heard lake Pueblo was actually really good for walleye.

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getting up at 4:30 AM for the opener, back for a nap this afternoon. 1/2 hr to PM for locale if anyone is up…S. ONT.

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I love fishing. I don’t usually target a specific species. I just love to go for the fun of it and it’s always great to be outdoors.


My daughter-in-law and me with my “holy crap this is ridiculous” face. What a day, no one around, kept a few, released a bunch, lost many. Man can these things fight in 2 feet of water, took my son and I 10 minutes to land an 8 lb 1 oz. female. Biggest of the day was 11 lb. 11 oz. Male giant. The females were mostly finished spawning, just milling around, waiting for a good warm rain to carry them back to the lake.


That’s awesome man. That’s cool that you beat the crowds. It looks like it was a huge success from the size of the smiles!


That is an absolute beaut of a rainbow!

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So lucky to have these places all over southern Ontario. Was a tough first few hours of bushwacking and trying to pull steelheads out of log jams in a 10 ft wide creek…many lost fish to soft hits and tree wrapping. Finally found a spot to fight with some running room and POW limit in an hour or so took one each, let the rest swim away. We set the bar a bit high for the first time out. I’m aching bad today, in a good way.

My male got the ball rolling.


Pound for pound one of the best fighting fish on the planet.


I didn’t realize yesterday was trout opener until today, I thought it was next weekend! Anywho, went out bush bashing this afternoon and ended up with a nice brown for my first trout of the year.