Anybody else like to fish?

Is that cause of stucture on shoreline?
I’d be all all over it on a boat with a flyrod.
Catching big fish on flyrods is the best fun you’ll ever have.

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You really don’t need a boat where I fish. Actually, you can’t get to where I fish by boat, there’s so many logjams. But ya, there’s a lot of trees and tall weeds (6-9 feet) right up to the banks. It’s a bit of a workout just hiking in there, and I’m not getting any younger. But there’s usually a pretty good display of wildlife if you’re quiet, and the fishing is good. I’ve caught bass/pike/rainbow/chinook/atlantic/coho/suckers/carp/musky/pickerel in there, and seen sturgeon and one brown caught there. One sturgeon I saw landed weighed well over 100 lbs.

Where are you located @Skyf ?


Sunny South Africa


So what species do you fly fish for? I’m sure there must be a ton of different species there.

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There are a few places inland towards the Drakensberg mountain range I try go to every year where I target our local small mouth yellowfish and then places where brown and rainbow trout and bass have been introduced.


Got this one this morning…




Good day ladies got one each, running pretty good now, rain tomorrow should see them thick!

18 pounds… smile says it all


On the way home I realized my wife mentioning something on the car as we left the parking lot. It dawned on me, 1 hr away almost to Peterborough that what she may have seen was actually my wallet I left on the hood while changing out of my mungy soaked boots and pants. There was a 5 mile long backup we passed on the way as well (Sunday on the 115) so I had to sit through the quietest 1hr ride back to Bowmanville, on backroads, hoping to find my wallet (which resembles a roadkill squirrel). Sure enough on someones boulevard, there it was cards everywhere, and 2 5 dollar bills 2 houses away. My daughter had to grab everything as I had been riding in my boxers (see fishy pants). Got everything back except 1 thing…my fishing licence LOL No shit.


I was asked for mine a few years ago…I’d never seen a MNR guy where I was so I’d left it in my car. He just called in my name and DOB and said I was good.


Finally been getting back on some of these tasty critters. Hands down my favorite fish to catch and eat. Been working too much and letting life get in the way. Its important to make more time for fishing!!!


From my town’s lake…caught with my fly rod…


Perfect eating size walleye!


They’re actually a walleye / sauger hybrid. They dont reach the size walleye do, but they make up for it with their viscious stikes and i do belive they taste slightly better than walleye as well. More tolerant of warm, dirty water so they stay shallow all year around and are always hungry. I love this fish so much!!!


We have em here also. Very tasty indeed.




Now that’s a good spot


Terrestrial Power Poles


The first time I ever went fishing was when I was 8 years old. I was off to the side watching my gramps show me how to toss a line but couldn’t get a good look and walked a little closer. Apparently he liked to do the side swing to cast his line and hit me right in the face hooking my cheek with the hook. Had 4 stitches that day and never went fishing again. :smile:


Took a buddy fishing for his first time, this was about 15 years ago. Stream fishing for trout…I walked upstream after he was all set, just got around the bend and I can hear him screaming. Thought he’d caught a speck…rush back, he’s got a sucker and has managed to impale his hand on the hook with the fish flopping around. I had to kill the fish, get it off, then tell him I’m going to have to push the hook all the way through so I can cut off the barb and pull it out. He says no way, and wants to go to the hospital. I say fine, but that’s what the doctor will do.
So I take him to the hospital, he’s all embarrassed, I tell him it’s a fishing area, they’ve probably done this many times. When he sees the doctor, he tells him he can take out the hook, but he’ll have to push it all the way through (I laugh) and that HE gets to keep the lure (to this day I’ve never caught a sucker on a spinner). My buddy asks why he wants the lure, and he points to a board on the wall, covered in lures!