Anybody else like to fish?

Once they float across all the hospitality must go away! I’ve lived in Miami my entire life, my folks and my mothers parents were born here as well. Everyone is really rude. They refuse to speak to you in English, even if they can speak English.


Hmmm…I’ve been 5 times I think, always travel around the area we’re in. I’ve eaten in peoples houses, been invited in for coffee (who does that?) never ever felt unsafe anywhere and I’ll go anywhere. Just seem like genuinely nice folks to me. Of the countries I’ve been to they, along with Newfoundlanders rate the friendliest…with Colombians a close 2nd.


Some footage would be cool to watch, when I was kid I fished for brooke trout in a small loch they’re a beautiful looking fish.
good luck i hope you have a great day!


There’s a photo of what is probably the world record brookie (he let it go) if you scroll back in this thread.

edit: here



What an absolute cracker of a fish, a real stunner, thanks for sharing it.


What? You just haven’t witnessed the majesty of the Nipigon River world record mount thenbrookie wr Isn’t that awesome :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :maple_leaf: :t_rex:


Sadly…I have. lol


It doesn’t quite have the same appeal to it lol :thinking:

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i stepped on a treble hook barefoot once. bottom of my right foot just below my toes. i went to the shitty hospital near me which was a mistake. they injected my foot 6 times to numb it before cutting it out with a scalpel. the injections were almost as bad as the hook. i stepped on it twice because they did a shit job and wouldn’t move me onto the xray table, had to do it myself. took a hook to my knee when i was young as well.


Ouch! That sounds like a painful experience, i did get away lightly, i was back on the river that afternoon with a valuable lesson learned lol.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again
Squash all your barbs …
Less trauma to the fishes mouth and easy removal if it you happen to hook yourself up

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Any Ontarian fisherman here have seen the new draft plan for our fishing zone proposed by the ministry of Natural Resources? If you enjoy the passtime or own a cottage, this is a frightening piece of legislation which focusses on trout water rehabilitation, due to evironmental degradation ,climate change, and development in the watersheds. THE ONLY action on all these fronts is to reduce and sometimes eliminate fishing. No addressing the root causes, just stop fishing. They want to shorten the ice fishing season the mid-February to March 15th. Meaning only 2 weeks usable ice hut season. IT IS AN attack on a lifestyle and cultural tradition in this province . Draft Plan for Zone 15 at the MNR I have it downloaded but I don’t know how to post a link without the 50 some pages spamming the thread.

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OK maybe this is a good place to post this. Anyone own a gps/fishfinder/chart plotter and need a sd or micro sd card copied? I figured out how and it’s wonderful! So this may work with all sd and micro sd cards, but I have only tried a few really expensive gps cards(1000$+). Anyone need assistance let me know! So if you have a sd or microsd card you need copied I can probably help.


Steelhead - 300yards from my back door!


Nice fish…bet that fought like a bastard!


That’s a ovely fish @Jinglepot well done brother., nice catch!.


God. Damnit. I feel like I say this too frequently but I need to move to BC


BC = Bring Cash :laughing:

It’s costly, but worth every penny!


That would be the fish of a lifetime for me man, absolutely gorgeous


Nice Fish @Jinglepot beautiful area