Anybody else like to fish?

That’s another lovely fish, well done.

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Nice fish!!

It’ll make you feel like a Rockstar. We get a big drum run in Sept/Oct. Pier gets really packed alot of guys sneaking on after close. It’s not uncommon to catch 2 or 3 citation reds a day. We’ll head down to sandbridge in Virginia Beach catch them at night in the surf. Talk about a rush.

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We use specially biodegradable balloons to float baits out from the surf, some fishing company makes them they’re about $1 a piece. I’ve always wanted to fish in Hawaii you’re very lucky!


Sea trout.


I would go fishing there years ago. I can say you could catch some nice fish on the pier’s there. Surf wasn’t bad in NC.

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Ya man sandbridge pier decks alot of cobia and king mackerel compared to our pier but they have a whole heirchy over there too much drama. I like going down to north/ south Carolina to pier fish aswell but last hurricane messed alot of them up.

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Yes it did.

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I keep a boat over in Nootka sound on the westcoast of Vancouver Island, BC.
Try to go a few times a year but my wreck last spring kept me home.
I used to run charters on the inside waters mostly and targetting chinook and coho salmon as well as putting out prawn pots. Crabbing took a dive a decade ago for some reason… too many otters I’m guessing.
But I love being out on the salt and sometimes I wish I lived closer to the boat but where I live is dotted with lakes with trophy class fishing for lake trout/char , incredibly productive kokanee fishing and the rainbow trout fishing is truly beyond world class.

here is one of my favorite pics from nootka and the last pic is the last family I chartered and they booked the boat for the whole weekend. They paid for 6hr days but I added on 4 hrs each day for free because the fishing was so hot and they let me play a few as well.
One day I want to venture south and fish the entire east coast of the states down into the gulf… now that would be a holiday!!!


Man…that is Gods country where you are. Just an incredible part of planet earth. Everytime I’ve been to BC, when it’s time to go home I’m always asking myself “Why are you going back?”.


When I was in the Navy in Bremerton, Washington, our ship did some sea trials up that way. We were on the east side in the strait and had to anchor inside Nanaimo Bay by dark. I’ve never seen so many Bald Eagles in my life. The trees were full of them.


My sons first steelhead the one on the right 7 years old landed it all by himself no net on little kids rod.

thats a nice perch @Boozer how big was that


Not an easy fish to land for a 7 year old. Well done.


13" my man. Caught two of them that size. Stocked them in my pond for another day.


Thought it looked bigger than that I caught a 19 and 17 inches back to back on 8 inch creek chub last year.


A memorable day for me on the Spey, it wasn’t ideal for fishing but it was glorious sunshine.

I did pick up a stale sea trout, it was a good tug…

And that tug is the drug :star_struck:


British Columbia


Wow! Wish we were neighbors.


Oh, HELL YES! I LOVE fishing. I’ve caught bass and catfish in Arkansas, trout and salmon in Oregon and Alaska, smallmouth, shoal bass (basically a smallmouth native to this part of the country). Steelhead are my favorite. Rainbows in general, actually.
Those are some awesome pics, especially the brookie. Those are pretty rare in most parts. Speaking of rare, there was a river in Alaska where grayling (endangered pretty much everywhere else) were a nuisance. I would drift roe balls for salmon, only to have the grayling pick the hooks clean. We couldn’t keep any of the grayling, though.