Anybody else like to fish?

And it’s only $24.95!

I would have been around there a lot during that time. Was living in Aldergrove down near the border then and often between jobs in the fall whenever possible. I knew all the backroads so could stay on the border most of the way to Vedder Crossing and be there in 25 min. Hit Fred’s if I needed anything then up past the Bailey bridge just past the campground run and get my spot on the big rock or the cliff if it was busy. Best trips were to park up behind Slesse Park then hike the other side of the river or go about 4 miles past the hatchery and cross the river and come back on the forestry road. 5 min hike down to the other side of the meat hole and catch all the steelies the guys fishing elbow to elbow on the other side were chasing across the river.

Used to belly boat down the Vedder and all over the valley. Bring two vehicles so we could park one at the highway then run most of the way to Vedder on the dike and get in the water there. Opening day and nail tons of trout on flies and little spinners.

So f’n crowded there now but the further you go up the less city idiots you find to spoil the mellow. :slight_smile:


ya the trail down off bench road that ends up just below the hatchery pool… one of my favorites , especially during steelhead season. I miss the river fishing.

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Just an FYI guys…telling where your favorite spots are on the internet is what ruins them.


LOL there is no secrets on that river anymore and there is a homeless/druggy camp not far from the trail head so parking there and hiking in is a guarantee to get your vehicle fucked with.
It’s one of the reasons I haven’t fished the chilliwack river/vedder canal in probably 10 years now.
cool story… I met my wife online after being single for many years kinda on purpose. My sister was always trying to set me up with girls she knew. Meh… I just wanted to work and fish and didn’t want the drama LOL. Anyhow I started conversing with this girl online who never put up a picture and called herself “mystery girl”. So a few months of messaging and a couple phone calls and it was nearing the time to actually meet. Well it was February and it was steelhead time… it’s all I could think about. So I was getting my gear and baits ready for an early morning departure to the river which was an hour away. Well mystery girl calls me up and asks me what my plans were for the following day so i told her my plans. She says to me… Can I come with you? … we had not even met in person yet…hmmmm city girl, never fished before in her life… plus add to that I was leaving at 5am and it was pretty crappy weather with freezing rain and snow in the forcast. Well she was ready out front of her place in a big white knee length puffy coat and boots. I was in my beat up rusted out lifted 1985 K5 Blazer with my 4 year old rottie in the back LOL. Never caught a fish that day but bumped into many anglers I knew and it was a fun day.
Crazy thing is… a year an a half later she married me LOL It will be our 16 year anniversary this year. She won’t fish unless it’s ice fishing for kokanee and she has become quite the expert at that LOL


Oooooh, envy! That’s damn nice, and in your backyard.


The sunfish are finishing up their spawn here. Fun time to slay bulls back to back as they are eager to smash whatever lands above them.


Damn nice fish, but living so close to the river… :heart: :heart: :heart:

That wife of yours sounds like a keeper. Mine has been able to put up with me since '99 so will be 24 years this July. She likes fishing too but doesn’t get around so good so we’ve never gone fishing together. Now that I got a boat she is itching to get on the water so may take her with me for it’s first fishing trip to the trout lake. Still have to get that small craft license finished so I’m legal.

Ice fishing does not appeal to me at all so I’ve never tried.


Bream (pronounced “brim”) actually fight harder, pound-for-pound, than bass. The shape of their body acts as something of a parachute. They seldom get more than half a pound. If you catch a 1-pound bream (that includes bluegill, warmouth, shellcrackers, pumpkinseed, redear, etc.), it’s going to put up one hell of a fight.


Damn. That’s a big laker. Upstate New York has some amazing fishing. I was stationed at Ft. Drum and got to fish the Black River, where I caught my first walleye.


I am hoping to get some Pickerel fishing in this weekend. Hopefully some pics to follow. Spanish River, North Channel on Lake Huron and some of the smaller lakes in the area.


Hopefully the black flies are done. Have a great weekend and good luck!


Thanks buddy I heard last week they were so thick they would carry you away but then after a few real hot days they almost disappeared


Best fishing buddy EVER! RIP Terry. I love you.


Jesus brother. Way too young. You have my condolences.


sorry for your loss of a good friend


I too am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Far too young, but that picture is a great remembrance of a life clearly lived joyfully. Look at that beautiful smile!


I should have cropped it so it was “a kid with a beautiful fish”. He was a beautiful young man too. The OG crew has been very kind to me.


Bravo, gorgeous @LoveDaAutos