Anyone Breeding for Terpenes?

Whatever makes you feel better about smoking pot. It’s “medicinal” and so on. Okie-dokie. All of these people smoking, vaping, eating weed to not get high I guess. But, hey my grocery store classifies things this way…


Oh my god I’m on drugs?!?


My point was that I dont use other mind altering substances while doing my experiments that might otherwise compromise the sensitive results.
Changing the variables of the consumption and how that most definitely changes the results is pretty much what this entire conversation is about. You are deflecting into conflict rather than offering progressive feedback.

mine’s not medicinal.
you can get high on sugar. that’s my point.

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Potency. Terps. Structure.

I think it’s a worthwhile subject to explore.


Sugar is a drug. Same as caffeine and so on. Sugar is one of the worst.

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Yet we need sugar to survive… and get high.

Yep, and there are different kinds of sugars.

I like the sugars changed from starches during the cure…

I wonder if anyone has ever deliberately added amylase to buds to convert the starches to sugars :thinking:

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does anyone know how curing changes the terp profiles?

Slow cool curing preserves them, fast and / or hot dissipates them.

But that’s prob not what you’re asking.

Also I see, from more energetic to sedative w longer curing.


Can you explain your experiments to me?

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@Loggershands This is something I have been working on for over ten years now. In the beginning I thought it was an indica/sativa thing and I got by fairly well but more often than not I started realizing that a lot of good purple indicas that one would think should be relaxing were giving me a slight edge of angst rather than full relaxation. (this doesnt mean they made me paranoid just a slight bit speedier than the true indaca couch lock that I search for.) One day I sat down and kind of logged the different strains I liked the strains that I liked but were a little edgy and the ones that I knew screwed with my head in bad ways. upon looking into the strain terp profiles I discovered a pattern that was undeniable. I will say that I used leafly for a lot of the research and they suck. But when you have three variables matching over twenty times it is not a coincidence.
What I noticed is that the profiles I liked had a certain terp in the third tear and the ones that were a littee edgy had what was in the third tear moved to the 2nd tear. same terps but in a different order consitantly giving me the same results. The strains that I knew messed with me in a super bad way all had the same top terp.

Just found this thread; haven’t gone through it all yet.

As someone who has grown like 30+ different strains from different sources/breeders I can say I am considering terpene profile as the #1 criteria for selections.

It seems to be the best plants I’ve always grown have had the best terpenes. When sparking up some fresh herb, most of the pleasure derived from smoking comes from the taste imo. If it doesn’t taste good I’d rather smoke something else. It’s only when scarcity is present that effects are more important than taste, imo.

I’ll be curious to see others’ responses and I’ll keep an eye on this thread. I wouldn’t be surprised if terpenes become one of the main criteria in the retail scene in coming years…


After reading this article one would be led to believe that terpenes do not affect the high but I think they definitely need to look further down the rabbit hole to truly understand the relationship between human biochemistry and the connection to the cannabis plant because I can’t help but think and feel that the terpenes play a role in how we individual interact and interpret the plant


If not the terpens then what makes some THC relaxing and some energizing? It certainly is not the percentage of THC that you all seem so focused on. This can be proven in many ways.
It isnt because some people have different reactions. very few people can smoke couch lock all day and only some of them dont have that reaction to it. the people who do respond to couch lock accordingly most report that the terps I am saying are uplifting will give them the uplifting high.
What is changing these effect since you know for a fact it can not possibly be from the trepens.
What could be more important about growing weed than the variables that chage the actual effects it has on us.

CBN has a large effect as does CBD and probably countless other cannabinoids which are far more impactful than terps.

And what i was saying @Dragon is that if you take the THC Distillate crystals and you put them in your vaporizer and then you stick those OG Kush terps in there - youre saying that would be OG Kush.

Then you smoke OG Kush flower. Then you assess if it is the same or not.

If you aren’t willing to even test other peoples hypothesis then you are just afraid of how weak your argument truly is.

This is called an experiment to test your hypothesis. You know… scientific method? Hella immature to just discount literally everyone else and all evidence in favor of what you want to be true. You are providing no evidence, just feelings. Anyone who is worth half their weight in wit will tell you to fuck off.


Im not going to smoke fake, or rearranged terps to try and prove something I am fully aware of. It doesnt seem like a real test to me.
Also, I have been saying all along that the THC, the Cannabanoids and the CBD and so on are all interacting with the terps to change the effect.
The oders and tastes in food change the way we feel as well. Its the terps man!

How is it not a real test? Those are the same chemicals in the cannabis? If what you say is true then those same effects should happen.

Also you havent proven anything whatsoever in this thread. Whenever someone says something against what you say you just stick your head between your legs and go “na na na na boo boo.”