Anyone Breeding for Terpenes?

Oh I see what you mean.
The ratios are in that order of dominance.
So this profile has these as the top three with more myrcene and less Caryophyllene

@ my service.


Live resin carts

right and if we selectively bred you in the right way the majority of you would be tall…

My family has been inbred for 7 generations and there is still pheno variation.


The bro science is real. Please tell me of crop circles and ancient alien chem trails. Paleo diet is the best diet. CBG will be the next big thing. Reminds me of this.


I know of many strains that have those profiles too, thats why I use them as an example.
I dont understand your challenge but I want to.

What i’m saying is to truly know this and get past the bro science, you must conduct actual experiments.

Take an og kush distillate cart which has fake og terps in it

then take the og kush flower which has profile which matches… then you will be able to see what it truly is.

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are you saying in this post that the live resin and the flower of the same strain have different profiles?

As an aside I can’t even use distillate carts. They kick my allergies on something fierce.

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I have been conducting actual experiments on this for years and years. I have not found a strain yet that does not fit the mold.

If you smoke something uplifting with lemonene at the top of the profile, without any myrcene in it all day long, your receptors are going to be full of Lemonene. So if you come home and smoke texample #2 that has the lemonene in the 2nd tier instead of at the top and myrcene is 1st,


you are going to feel very relaxed and tell everyone that example #2 it is a heavy couch lock

Whereas, if you are someone who smokes the first example #1 with the Myrcene at the top of the profile and the lemonene in 3rd all day.
2. Caryophyllene
3. Lemonene

and then you come across some of example #2 that has the Lemonene in the second tier.
You are going to feel the energetic boost of the lemonene compared to your regular dose of Caryophyllene in the second tier that your receptors are used to having from example #1 and you will not agree with the guy that says the second example is a heavy couch lock and he wont ever agree that it gives energy.

This is the main reason why people have so much controversy over strains. Because they arent doing a fair test and filling their receptors the same for long peridos of time. Tollerance is a key variable in this. Yes some people have different results but most people brain chemistry is working more similar than differently.

Not a breeder , but i grow for terps :sunglasses:


no one here talking about chop timing affecting terps and high. a late cut indica dom is some serious shit. It will end my day fast. stoned to the bone. early cut indicas can be a fun buzz that takes quite a bit consuming before you locked onto the carpet.


Yes, this is because indica resigns need to mature before they get that sedative effect, otherwise they feel more like a uplifting high when not mature. This is a very good observation and is the exact kind of thing i hope to understand in writing this post… @splinter7 :+1:

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i don’t really do indica stuff until the end of the day anymore. as a results i rarely get to use my bong during the day because it has a half bowl or say, PBB in it cut at 11.5 weeks…that would end my day real quick.

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I didn’t realize science and scientific studies were done by one individual with no actual documentation, control, peer review, and so on. Why does weed seem to make dumb, or moderately intelligent people, feel as if they’re smart and/or scientists. You’re smoking weed, not splitting the atom. Also, if you smoke, vape, or eat weed you do drugs. On top of that, quit demonizing others who use other substances to make yourself feel better or superior.


To each their own. I did not demonize anyone. But if you think throwing another variable like cocaine or alcohol into the mix inst going to change the result you are no scientist. The entire reason someone would do drugs or drink is to change those results.

I have been trying to give you my findings but you wont have them. just dont want to learn something new today.

There are terpenes in cocaine too:


fun argument: weed is not drugs.

i used to work at a grocery store. we have different codes for various types of item. we have flowers, pharmacy, drugs and food. f;owers, pharmacy and drugs were VAT taxed, but food wasn’t. the only difference between food and drugs was that drugs included food that was processed or not raw. so, dried herbs and spices that are no in can are food. my weed is like this. canned food would be drugs.

briefly looking at what ‘drugs’ are outside the grocery…it seems to be simply a mind altering substance.

I can assure you, if you have low blood sugar and then eat a loaf of non drug freshly baked bread
your mind will have an alteration. are fresh loaves drugs too? idk.

to be fair, even if it’s not drugs…a stoner is stoner.