Anyone in Kentucky?

Howdy y’all!

I’ve decided to head out of the city life and move to Kentucky. Specifically, I’m looking at Bowling Green and the surrounding areas. Some background info; I’m a disabled vet who decided to stay in San Diego after getting discharged and absolutely loved it. Sadly, I had a lot of deaths in my family during the past two years, which made me decide to leave San Diego temporarily to be closer to my family. I ended up in NYC, and my time in this interesting city is almost up.

Instead of returning to San Diego, I’ve decided to move to a cheaper state where I can live a calm and quiet life. I’m tired of renting and paying for something that is not mine. Kentucky has some great vet benefits and gun laws, and even better home prices! I’m excited to get into hunting, fishing, and maybe some outdoor growin’ :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

Issue is, I don’t really know anyone from Kentucky, or that moved to Kentucky from either coast. I’d really appreciate some input on my situation from other members that possibly live in Kentucky or maybe members who left a major cities to move to another cheaper and calmer state.


It’s not a bad place to live but it’s becoming more like a big city, so the quiet country life won’t last forever.

I personally think it sucks here, the cheapness is the only thing really going for Kentucky. The law hates weed - 5 plants or mores a felony and you will be charged for seeds if there found as well.

They’ll also take all ur stuff ur using to grow with too or anything that you got that could be used and leave you with nothing if your ever caught.


I lived in Portland tn real close to bowling green that a great area to move to. I miss living in that area


Hey brother… Kentucky’s views on MJ aren’t the best, and because they are a commonwealth it makes it even more difficult. but, fly under the radar and stick to yourself and no different then most places unfriendly… but Avoid Tenn…

I’ve been looking at KY for years… wife is from N. Ky where Ohio River meets Ky, WV and Ohio…

Be sure to watch out for Hurricane Alley areas, low lying areas like when southern Ky just flooded really bad… stay on the high ground… bad snow fall can trap ya in lower lying areas too…

I’ve been eyeballing Somerset, Williamsburg and Jamestown areas…
prices have been dropping like mad and what’s nice is if you look around you can find a nice place and acreage… I wanna be able to pee off my front deck…

Weather can get freaken cold, like 20f cold…
I have family in Lebanon, Elizabeth Town, Ashland, Lexington…
and it’s just beautiful, especially for retired people looking for inexpensive living costs, my big reason for leaving Vegas in 2000… bad car accident and knew it was cheaper in Fl…

What’s you cost range… I was looking into around $150K homes… wait till next year, it’s gonna crash again… good luck bro


I’d love to pee off my deck too!!

Great advice dude, thank you. What does a commonwealth state mean? I googled it but I read that it means all people have a say in government. Doesn’t sound too bad!

Does the cold bring a myriad of snow as well? I was assuming since it was the south, the winters wouldn’t be as bad as the east coast. I very much dislike the east coast.

I’m looking from 140-180k, already seen some amazing properties for that range.

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Check out Elizabeth Town…
And in your price range I’ve seen some awesome deals to… one had a creek running through a few ccx acres with 2 small walking bridges to cross at different points… nice.
I’m from Vegas, hate it here… but, I married into it so here I am bro… in the swamp, very East and skeeters are carrying me away at night…


I feel like there’s going to be a lot of people form my generation realizing they can’t afford to live where they’re at. They’ll eventually make a decision like moving to Kentucky, so I agree that it’s going to definitely be growing a lot more in the next decade. That’s why I’m looking for at least an acre or two of private land where I can have the country living, no matter what happens in the nearby cities.

Yeah, the cannabis restrictions are definitely the biggest drawback. I’m hopeful that in the next 10-20 years it becomes federally legal, so it won’t matter. Looks like I gotta get all the seeds I can before I leave! Although, I already have a few projects I want to work with with the ones I have, so I should be busy for a few years at least.

That’d be wicked, I’d make a natural creek pool! I got some realtor looking for properties for me, I’ll ask if his license expands to Elizabeth Town.

You’ll probably need more than an acre or 2 man, it’s very rare to see any property off on its own here with not much land to it.

My family just got a place with 8 extra acres of land not including the acre the house sits on and there is still neighbors nearby not even 5 min away.

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Would a high fence and this sign posted on it help?

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No that sign wouldn’t work, because in Kentucky you cannot shoot someone just for trespassing. And if there there stealing weed you’d get in trouble for having it in the first place.

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I thought Kentucky was Stand Your Ground state? LoL, I’m not concerned with people stealing my weed! I’m an indoor grower, but do want to move to outdoor when I legally can. I just don’t want people venturing on my territory; I don’t much like people. I’d like to smoke a nice joint in my backyard in the full nude, carefree.

Also, I found this article on google:

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The Stand your ground law only lets you have the right to protect yourself, off your property if you feel threatened.

If the person has no weapon you will be in trouble.

You may want to check out the Gardening Naked post in the smokers lounge…
