Anyone know of available light sponsors?

Yeah I’ve got one running now and it’s bleaching pretty bad. It’s my own fault, I’m running it in a very short cabinet.


I agree, if they make these claims they posting proof to back it up IMO. This is why I will only speak to what I can show. An honest reviews first priority has to be honesty.

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100% but I can guarantee your review will be put online “edited” in mars interest. Bro I’m not knocking your grow skills. I just don’t wanna see you being a mars statistic as you decided to test one of their lights.

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I told Mars that spider farmer already agreed to send me a 4x4 and a SF7000💀 we’ll see how it goes


Hustlin’ 24/7


Let’s goooo. On second thought I should have hit up spider farmer first. Heard nothing but good from them


From what I understand their earlier lights used to be bad so maybe they are not used to selling okay stuff. After changing the tech they maybe need to change the marketing people too.


They pulled it back yes and their lights are excellent quality but not 2.5g per watt quality. People keep missing my issue with mars. Its not the quality. Its the claims they say they are capable of.

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Let’s get back to the topic… Check out our discord for chat. Thanks.


Grams per watt is a horrid measurement. But if you wanna use it ive totaly gotten over 3gpw under my diy bridgelux eb strips. I assume mars says their measurement cuz HLG does legit testing and came up with those results. But a mars is nothing compared to an HLG.

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I fully agree with this and basically say the same to them in any forum I run into them on.

Back in 2013 they were called TopLED and I bought so many of their complete shit lights lol…

I was very afraid of FLIR back then and felt I had to go LED. Their claims were ridiculous, and I do believe they have done more harm to the growing community than they have done good, and more harm than any other grow component manufacturer.

Soon as I switched off their lights my growing improved drastically.

I think nowadays they have lights that work fine, nothing innovative at all (which is fine), but at least people are getting good results from them.

To each his own and all that, but I’ll never touch any of their stuff again.

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OK all, TTFN. I thought someone was upset we were talking by the Tuttle mode. Sorry for my contribution to that, feel free to delete my posts from this topic. Take care everyone and good luck @Florida_man_genetics


Nah bro it isn’t like that. Mars at one point was a joke but was a sponsor here. I never held back about my feelings about the company. I confronted whoever ran the account here a few times about the claims but always got a half assed answer saying the 600 in the lights name was nothing more than a product number and that it wasn’t meant to mislead :thinking:


Idk why I was singled out, i thought we were all shooting the shit. But I respect LemonadeJoe. Feel free to delete my posts as well like Doug said. I know Mars definitely sponsors a lot of people and I know of a few Spider Farmer sponsors. I think you have to have a massive following to get an HLG or a more classy sponsor like that. Vivosun definitely will sponsor but I can’t say I recommend their products because I haven’t used them. Most you can really do is email companies or DM them on Instagram.


Hey brother, you were not singled out. Call this one my fault, they frown on chat and this ended up about one light company, who is frowned upon here, so off topic. My apologies, OG has a Discord server if we just want to chat. My bad, not chatting when I get into a conversation can be tough for this stoner but I know better. Didn’t mean to mess up your thread :v:


I can wipe my own ass

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We are always looking for strong influencers and affiliates to partner with SolStrip products, however we never trade lights for reviews. We believe our customers see those for what they are. If you’ve got an audience that you’d like to expose our products to, contact me here or here.

GPW is and always has been a worthless measure of productivity/efficiency amongst different growers and grow rooms given all of the variables that fall outside of energy consumption, starting with the big three: Grower skill; Grow environment; and Genetics. Just the difference between a close dispensary trim and a hairy hobby trim can be 25% in weight. Worthless measure as much as “LBs per light” and “LED equivalent watts” were back in the day.

That said, photosynthetic spectrum output (PAR), density (PPFD), and power consumption can be measured among different lamp fixtures. And the simple fact is premium LEDs put out better photo spectrum with better distribution across the canopy, using about 33% less energy than HPS, and up to 50% less than MH.

However, many of the Chinese light makers do not use premium LEDs, and do not disclose the source of their LEDs, including some of the manufacturers mentioned in this discussion. Premium LEDs suitable for high quality spectral output and efficiency cost up to 4x the price of cheap industrial LEDs meant for commercial lighting products, and typically lag in efficiency and usable lifespan by up to 50% over premium diodes.

You get what you pay for - and what you get sent for free. Photon Solutions only uses premium Samsung and Osram LEDs in its products, and has since our beginning.


I’m always running your lights and love them.

I show them off at every trade show I go to, and also would love to have you create a solstrip IG so I can start tagging you guys.

Featured is Super Lemon Haze X Jack Herer @ day 56. In a 1gal with under rez.

She was about 30 oz wet. When I cut her today.


Pretty sure i landed a deal with mars hydro


Personally I’ve been really impressed with Kingbrite LEDs. I don’t think they do any marketing/sponsorships, I heard about them through word of mouth on the forums.