Anyone making money on cannabis in oklahoma?

With current structure, everybody thinks east coast gets the reject boof. Yeah that might be true, but you folks are the dumbasses that keep sending it. End rant. There are other layersto this onion.

The only solution to me is home garden. How the fuck is anybody going to tell you what part of nature you are banned from? Tyrants. That’s who…but the tree of liberty requires refreshing from time to time with…


Ive had a few friends close up shop over the past year. Business is rough. The market is flooded.

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Only the most stubborn are continuing :joy:


Well said !! Too much greed :green_heart:


That is more than here in Holland. For an exclusive strain you get 300 an lb while a common strain does 200 per lb max.

How much are the shops in Holland charging?