Anyone Shred the Gnar?

Gnar would be short for gnarly as in ‘gnarly powder today!’. Pow is powdered snow, nice and fluffy vs slushy snow or crunchy snow (styrofoam) which aren’t ideal.

I’ve only ever skiied small hills around Ontario but would love to hit a real mountain one day. Mad River Glen or Whistler are my two dream spots!


I only skied a couple times myself over 45 yrs ago . Mt ST. Louie , Moonstone in Ontario .Crashed a lot . lol


Hey @plant, good memories for me as well. I haven’t boarded in a good while, but I’m living back in the mountains again in Colorado. Looks like that’s where you are maybe?

I still have the last board I rode. It’s a Nitro Fusion 172cm and was still pretty new when I stopped. I used to live in Montana and started boarding around '85. I worked at Bridger Bowl and we had the steep and the deep. I’m hoping to get back on my board again. I need new boots and bindings.

I just saw that Nitro is in business and long boards are a thing, lol. People thought I was insane for riding such a long one, but people figured it out I guess. It’s the bomb in powder.

I just have to get back into better shape. I had a couple of surgeries a year or so ago and lost a lot of muscle mass. I sure hope I can hit it some more. I’ll be 65 next month but I used to be in lots of sports. I live in the southern part of the state so it’s about 3 hours to a good hill. We have one nearby that closed down a long time ago but was bought by the county to make it a public park. So, you can hike all the mountain. They’re going to open the lowest lift eventually, just to start and get some interest in it. I have friends that bought a condo up there so I’ll be going up there to fart around once I get boots and bindings.

That first pic reminds me of Bridger. Their old slogan on brochures was “Ski the Steep and the Deep”. They have a lot of steep chutes. If I can just get out and cruise some powder I’ll be so happy.

Thanks for the memory jog! peace


Oh yeah, the old lingo… pow pow, poo poo, … I figured Gnar was for gnarly. They were using that lingo when I first started in 85 or so. Shred, gnarly… it’s the same time mountain biking was becoming huge and we were into it all. I left to get into windsurfing and wave sailing in Cape Hatteras and it was the same lingo… shred the waves, off the richter scale, send it!.. heh… all from skateboarding.


I’m in the Rockies in Canada, but I was in Whitefish recently. Never been to Bridger but Whitefish snow was close to Fernie. That’s where my first pic is, Corner Pocket @ Fernie.

Hope you get up to being out and have a fast recovery :slight_smile:

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Fernie is where a lot of friends used to go ski for a road trip. There and that place in Driggs Idaho, Grand Targhee. I never got to go to either. I always heard good stuff about Fernie.

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Been a plywood pusher for bout 15 years, as of last few years mainly for transpo but my girls get me out on the minicamp occasionally.

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Skiing since 1975. Utah, California, Colorado, Oregon, North Idaho mostly my stomping grounds, have played in Canada & Switzerland too! My COVID resolution is to be on slope at least 30 days this season, hope we’re not shut down again…