Anyone else hopping back on a BMX or skateboard after years off?

Decided at my ripe old age to get back on a bike 2 years ago and found out the internet is full of other “old guys” doing the same. Anyone on here breaking their asses on kids bikes or boards too?

I got my main ride and some projects already. Feels good man, feels good.


I’m just getting over a broken arm from a mountain bike accident.

my mountain bike days may be over, but I started on BMX in the early 80s (80? 81?), went on to road racing in the early 90s, then MTB in the mid 90s. I even did some Trials riding for a few years in early 2000s.

I would love to go back to BMX thought. Wish there was a track near me.


Off and on throughout the years have skated. Longboard for travel and a regular deck for screwing around/tricks.


I want to get me a long board. Did some skate boarding but never a long board!


I’m going to guess your not just tooling around looking at scenery if you broke your arm lol Sorry to hear that.

I lucked out that there’s a few parks near me but most aren’t anything great. Trying to find a place to build some trails that are my speed. Pump track rather than Xgames style.

I was always way more into bikes but did my share of skating. It’s funny how the urge to skate came back after hopping on a bike. Probably going to get a cheap decent board to fart around on a little since I go to parks anyway.

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I rode BMX when I was younger till I was able to get a board(my mom was quite overbearing but was completely ass backwards with it) . Literally lived on my board for years. Even used to keep a bare spot on top of deck to use to roll cigs and break up bud , etc

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Got back on a board two summers ago after MANY years off. Gravity is much heavier and I’m much less limber. Cruising is where its at for me. Then I find cool decks and end up collecting a few.


Fuck yeah dude! Flip used to be the shit( and Tom Penny with those frontside flips) also glad to know I’m not the only packrat…er I mean classic skateboard deck collector :rofl:


I got back on a board when my daughters both asked for one for Christmas. Needless to say, that didn’t go very well. Hahahaha


Everytime I stop it seems like one of mine suddenly wanna start riding again. Lol my 5 yo had been rabidly asking for weeks to be able to go skate, roads finally cleared up enough the other day so I took her for a ride on the longboard, i swear she almost started foaming at the mouth when I told her we were gonna ride to the store.


No but i did recently google my childhood bike and made myself sick dyno air detour chrome with white everything even tire sold it for a 20 sack when i was like 15 :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:



Pretty close i think mine was a 88 or 89 this is a 87 mine was all chrome with all else white


My graphics were more neon as well

Poor kids today don’t know flatland bikes 85-95 were stupid sick


Man someone got a hell of a deal for a 20 sack… I used to love to watch the old bmx vhs tapes from the late 80s early 90s with all the sweet flatland riding.


Yeah one of the pads costs well past that now i saw one close on ebay before they wanted 1200


Nice! I had an old school Schwinn SX1000 back on the day, like this one:

But my dream bikes were the Sting, and Torker

A Sting cost about $500 back in 1980. A restored one now goes for about 4k :grimacing:


That shit is too cool to scratch up skating! Badass board.


Prices on bikes are ridiculous right now and worse since covid. A bunch of old guys decided they wanted their highschool bikes to fix up to occupy their time and the sellers were like sharks smelling blood in the water.


Yea my brother inlaw has all original schwinn from the 80s that he wants to restore. Its crazy if we had some of the things we crashed and tore up lol

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