Anyone use a whorled phyllotaxy for breeding?

Getting ready to put this in flower, it has already showed presex as female so i will breed it for sure. They came from a 15 pack of Mr. nice SHIT regs. I have a couple phenos of this strain, both male and female. Of the maybe 6or 7 seeds i germed, two were tri-leaf. I kept the better if the two. The trait doesn’t pass to the branch, only the main stalk. Sooo, if i clone it, the trait doesn’t appear. Or if you top the main shoot, it also will end. I plan on crossing this and maybe even feminizing it just to see if i can localize the trait.


I have come across trifoliate possibly only once. Very rare indeed…

But I wonder, do you think they have any benefit over regular ones? I haven’t associated this trait to better results.

I’m definitely looking forward to hearing experiences of other members.


That’s crazy man.
There are numerous reports of trifoliate plants from Shit and another Skunk (?) Line over on the MNS forums.

I wonder if there is some common genetic heritage causing this…

I would be interested to see how often this trait pops up in the progeny you make.

Shit is a strain I’ve always been interested in but never gotten around to growing. Please keep us posted on your progress and findings.

Stay Hazed,


Its Not Rare at all IMO
Crack a few thousand seeds and you’ll see lots of em.



when compared to it’s sisters of the same age, it has 1/3rd more branches. so, I am going to start flowering next week and in a couple of months, I will have the results. The idea here being that the yield will be increased. if true, I will start to made f2’s and s1 in search of a stable result. eventually in a couple years the trait could be isolated like ductsfoot. than I can begin to cross it to present day lineage to get a premium seed. than, wherever seeds are legal, I will have free samples! :wink:

not sure what your definition of rare is, but, unless the gene is present, the trait won’t show. Its not accidental, nor is it a factor of influence.

:joy: in respect to cracking a few thousand seeds, here close to where i live, seed is by the liter, not the little 10 pack. 2 litters cola bottles actually. so, yea, I don’t know, if your seeing that frequently, and haven’t found a winning pheno maybe try so new genetics. like hermaphrodites, hate that shit. good solid genetics won’t herm no matter what you do to it .


He’s right tho. It’s not that rare to find at all. I’ve seen lots of those 3-leafers.
Subcool was popping beans when most people here were still on their mommy’s tit.


I had one of those back in Jan… was a kush type something bagseed.
It was male and had more balls than • the third hole water trap at Pebble Beach •
Got the kick…


I wouldn’t breed the 3-leafer but if it’s female I wouldn’t be afraid to grow it out. yes, it’s common, as someone said C99 lines seem prone to it.

when it comes to breeding we’re all socially “conservative” right? :wink: We want our men to be men, women to be women, and none of this 3-leafer stuff, we want all our children to be proper 2-leafed families :smile:


@Viva_Mexico I’ll give them a run, i i can get my hands on some of those “testers”…

Sorry, i’m a seed fiend!


What to me seems rare is albino plants, or with albino traits. I had a plant with albino edges in like 93 o 94. Also another tri leaf in the same grow.

Of course mad scientist!


One of the C99 female clones from my fdm seeds, the one with whorled phyllotaxy that I cloned. Just 1 of many, it does seem to be a trait with in the C99 lines I am learning.

Herbie :wink:


Well how about that, I was just reading this and found a tri leaf plant in my current grow, just one out of 73 seedlings. Second set of real leaves forming. No I don’t know what genetics it is. Would you believe these seeds came out of a uncontrolled storage bin stored since 2008 when the economy collapsed
I will post a pic here after this plant pops the third set, please forgive me if it seems like a thread hijack, I just want to chime in on the tri leaf thing it’s my first one


As promised tri leaf seedlings tall enough for a picture or two

Three cotyledons, two triple sets with third expressing


This is seven to ten days old I am leaning towards ten

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Awesome! Looking forward to seeing the progress. I have cloned mine and will put it in 12/12 next week to check the final quality

I am totally going to grow it out , of course unless the balls show up , surprisingly it is one of the largest of the batch.

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Hmm I recall having dabbled in C99 maybe this is one as well

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Well 5 days later I is a different plant

On the second tier of leaves that should be a main leaf with two leaflets there is only the 3 main leaves but each has only one leaflet each , two are right handed and one is left. As well as that it appears that a “subnode” is forming below the second set what a mess of a mess


The “subnode” explodes

The weirdness of it the “subnode” formed up below the the previous set of leaves?? And it looks like an alternating node, and meanwhile at the first set of leaves

Those look like preflowers ? I don’t know for sure I’ll keep looking

They are not preflowers they are leaves, potentially the first branches forming I lowered the lights almost a foot and things are changing by the hour.

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