Arcata Trainwreck Is it still around?

Like those skinny sexy ladies :sunglasses: nice job


Fem 4 means you s1 them 4 times?



peace .


Nice looking plants my friend, I have some wreck going myself, not arcata but some nice plants , one is a monster bush at 57 inches tall , loaded with buds and stacking nice . 3ish weeks into flower and have fan leaves getting frosty, great strain :+1::+1::v:


ya got any pics we can have a look at ?.

very nice …


This last pic gives an idea of the system they are in. NFT troughs 2 troughs running, front trough is train wreck 3 plants , the rear trough is white widow 3 plants. I’m Flowering them out to give them all a good look and smoke test to find the best one for Perma frost cross. I took clones of all 6 plants , 2 of each pheno. #2 is killing it In structure and size for both strains , I have extra heavily rooted clones in the cloner of #2 both strains as well as the potted clones , 4 of the 12 or so in the cloner are for my brother in law. The others were extras for practice
Both packs of the beans were fems and purchased from nirvana seed bank. Very happy with these as they already have a lot of frost for this early in my experiences … I can get some better pics in about 3 more hours when lights come on :+1::+1::v:


@JAWS current pics of train wreck . 25 days into flower.

Other 2 phenos. Slower growing , Smaller, a little more stretchy


I’m running an “Arcarta Cut” Trainwreck right now too.


man im not seeing any stakes for those wrecks, cant do that with the wreck i have they need lots of support. those stalks are nice and fat too. what wreck do you have there EXACTLY ?. must be a hybrid perhaps.

humm .


is that a legit cut or is she from seed stock ?, you got any pics my friend.

peace …


i have three moving along all housing fem4 seeds, plants are not going to be very big but hoping there 100% full of beautiful new seeds.

peace …


These are what I have.

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ok cool there not trying to say its an arcata wreck, all good then brother. have you ever ran the arcata cut ? if so does that one smell like the arcata.

thanks …


No I haven’t run the arcata. So I can’t compare. As of right now they have mostly pine smell slight floral sweet and a hint of skunk. They are still young yet figure next couple weeks should start to stink :rofl::joy:

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i never thought id find another strain that smelled like wreck on its own but i have ran into in this grow.

Salina Cruz is what its called, and i sure made the correct call when i hit one of them with fem arcata pollen. right now she smells like arcata not exactly and not fully but damn its fairly close. my buddy said he may have to go back to his guy and get those other packs, hes been waiting for my opinion and now i think he wants those seeds back.

12-14 week strain that i can only take to ten so ya if i could go full term she would be a stone cold killer.

peace …


Trying to reproduce Perma Dream and got all 3 strains needed from the same bank . Was recommended to my by a buddy who had grown out a lot of there stuff. Looking back should have been more picky on cuts to make her different which is still an option. Arcata being one , being she’s sought after has to be something special. lol


I don’t have time limits on my grows lol. When they are done they are done. If I want fast … thats what I got autos for :joy::rofl:. You got me thinking :thinking:. Do this run for Perma Dream then do a select cut version :+1:

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my thoughts were to take them all the way how ever with the issue of PM that i ran into then i just stopped feeding them way to soon they faded so fast on me. lucky i have more seeds and they will get another run and next time i wont be tossing the male out ahh well not until im done collecting some pollen that is.

i really really suck at growing sats but i know i some in my offerings for the ppl and i have so many so its time i start putting in some time with some of them.

peace …

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What are your thoughts on these. I found them the other day and meant to mention them but work has had me busy