Arcata Trainwreck Is it still around?

yup just about to make some fresh UGORG#1 seed stock, got 4 males and a lagging female but she is a girl so seeds will be made. will also be hitting the lost skunk and the blues with the ugorg pollen. going to breed the male side of the ugorg to a lot of things in the future. uk cheese cut * ugorg could be something special or maybe not.

HAHAHAHA who knows …


ok so i need to make clear again that i am not working with the arcata trainwreck original cut, i had that cut back in 2006 and lost her in 2008. in those two years i made some fems seeds, now those seeds are what i have been working with for the last 15 years. every single WRECK HYBRID i have made over those years were made using the fem seed stock i made in 2008.

some fresh plants going again in this round, just cuts from the last round of wrecks i grew,

im actively looking for a real cut to restart some work with her, wish me luck i fill im going to need it friends.

peace …


I’ve got a line on it. @JAWS


im listening brother, this would be two shots at getting her back. fills like a good start for-sure. need to make sure its the real deal 100% do not want to star a brand new run with an s1/fem. i have mine going now and will be hitting one with the ugorg pollen and i think it will be a very good combo, cant say great because i have never worked with the ugorg before.

i really need the legit original cut for the future work, i have in hand what i hope is going to give me some very stinky skunky plants and id like to work the wreck into some skunky lines for-sure. but i do not really want to start those with my fem line.

looking good this morning …


My good bro grew some licensed tw back around the time you lost your cut, it was the first real deal grow I’d ever seen, other than closets and low key small stuff. It was in sactown, and we’d go up the hill and snowboard, then go down the hill and play golf, with his trusty dugout filled with some amazingly pungent scissor hash. I can’t describe it but I’d know it in a heartbeat if I tasted it again. Dead whale vibes is pretty close, or dried up sea turtle washed ashore and doused in kerosene are accurate. Hot seal blubber in a kerosene lamp? Lol


day 21 on this new run, this is the girl in the big pot this time round.

she is going to be quite nice.

peace …


teh has wreck, hugh too

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Beautiful Plant!

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The wreck I remember was on the lemony side not quite lemon. It was just a wierd smell that o couldn’t put my nose on. Same with the snocap strain back then. Just a very unique smell that you would know once smelled. Well my tiny grow is coming along just had success on s1 pollen on the train wreck took me 2 tries to finally produce s1 pollen. I’ll be making some s1 seeds of her for preserving for the future I hope it’s a success. Also made a cross cheetah piss x gruella fume. Grew out 4 seeds 2 died and the other 2 came out female. I’ll be hitting that with the trainwreck s1 pollen. Wish me luck guys. I’ll post a pics of the TW when it starts putting out hairs. It’s under fluorescent t5 lights for flower. So I don’t think it’s gonna look all that great as this runs just for making seeds and pollen. Lemony, citrusy, little fuely, and just another smell and taste I don’t know how to describe is what I remember.


Welp I knocked a bunch of pollen and pollen balls in my trim bin. I let it dry In There for acouple days so I can try to get more pollen from the unopen sacks. As I was breaking it up the sacks smelled like herb. Is that normal? I mean they are pollen sacks not actual flower?


It seems pretty clear to me, you are just going to have to smoke it and find out.


ya your all good on the smell…

no problem there …


Lol man I don’t know if that’s a good idea, but would be interesting obviously I’m not gonna be the Guinea pig. On another note it smelled like my teens days which is a very good sign.


This year’s twenty20 mendocino trainwreck. Arcata and T-dub cut. Put it on a frame and kept it staked down. Then buds grew upwards and then flopped flat onto frame.


That looks very similar to what I saw my friend have! From what I smoked back in the days and for the cut I got I think I have the original. Please do that won’t me gotta do the smoke test. Inacouple months.

Here is a clone from the above plant. Grown indoors. It looks very different.


Ok update of my TW I gotta say guys this shot is smelling like fresh outta high school. Just some dank that I have not smelled in awhile now not even getting to the frost yet and it just smells so wierd lemony, minty, greeny, tarty, something just a wierd smell. My buddies fruiting plant looked a lot better mine has more smell I think. Not the best but here it is in early flower. Made some s1 so snapped some small bean pics.


My clone only Arcata Trainwreck crosses grown outdoors this year…both are over 9ft. tall…

Strawberry O’wreck on the left and IB-A-WRECK on the right…

Strawberry O’wreck…Strawberry Cough x Ogre x Arcata Trainwreck…

IB-A-WRECK…elite clone of Indiana Bubblegum x Arcata Trainwreck…


day 48.

yummmy …


Sorry to see your house has come off the foundation and leans…oh wait thats train wreck. Looks great.