Are we asking too much of weed?

I was just reading a news article about how the current labeling used for govt/dispensary weed is in accurate. The author went onto say the U of Colorado, Boulder, study suggested 3 separate groups based on terpene profiles were identified which did not line up with the standard Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid. Then you add in how weed and cbd is now the latest cure for just about everything. Then there are the edibles, and concentrates, and the dabbing.

I have had weed in my life for the last fifty years with all its evolutions over that time and while I think it’s great, hoping for recreational legalization at the federal level and all that comes with it.

Not to mention the economic benefits that have legalized weed, even if just medically. The studies showing reduced opioid use, reduced impaired driving arrests, fewer domestic violence call, etc, where legal weed is available.

Let’s not forget weed by products paper, hempcrete, bio fuel, fabric, rope, again another endless list.

It is no wonder, weed evolved with man for the last 500 yrs.


I don’t think we have or have been asking to much, just need to gain more knowledge and apply it.


I asked it to help me move and was told no. Jerk. I wanted to use his pickup truck.

But yes, asking too much, it’s an amazing plant but it’s not a magician.


Cannabis works mentality, physically and medically and spiritually. Those aspects combined create a synergistic effect on our bodies that promote healing in multiple ways. When body conditions are out of whack, cannabis tends to level them off and bring our bodies back to the state of equilibrium that it prefers to be in.
Cannabis truly is a wonder drug despite efforts those who abuse. I try to look at the abuser as those who are truly helping themselves and don’t even know it.


I don’t think we’re asking too much of weed. I think we tend to ask too much of religion, politics, medicine, etc. and not enough of a natural plant like cannabis.


Too much? Not enough IMO. Food, fuel, textiles, medicine, building materials, etc. Overgrow the world!


I actually think the number is like 30,000 years… that we know of…. Science has identified cannabis pollen trapped in amber that was dated at 19.6 million years old I believe. Making it way older than us.


Also an excellent point! After reading about Henry Ford’s all-hemp car, there’s so much more that we can be using cannabis/hemp for in this world. Hemp paper for starters, why knock down trees that take years to grow when you can use a crop that is easily grown to maturity in a few months?


Sorry meant to say 5000 yrs and did’nt mean to suggest man and weed came to be at same time. Took us a while


Don’t ask what weed can do for you, ask what you can do for weed. :grinning:


I just ask that it gets me high and pays my overhead tbh.


They could never allow the total unleashing of the magic weed.

That would put more than half of the doctors,pharmacists, scientists, and lawyers out of business🤙


Well, from a completely uneducated weed person. I feel a lot of the info out there about the benefits are overblown. It feels to me more like snake oil.

From what I’ve been able to piece together, from what i think are reputable sources, for me it can be very beneficial. Mostly the inflammation, pain and stress relief factors. As for everything else i am not sure (not saying it cant or wont, just not sure).

I don’t expect it to cure every ailment i have or fix my broken body. I’m just looking for something to help out and not have it destroy my stomach (too much ibuprofen) or liver (dad passed away from cirrhosis from pain meds) i think that if they had medical marijuana back in the 70s and 80s he would have had another pain relief avenue.


I have to highly disagree with you there.
I know everyone is different,doesn’t affect everyone the same.
For me, this is the ultimate benefit and choice over any pain medication from a pharmacy.
I have screwed my liver over myself by using Tylenol and other products for pain, just to get by day to day work etc. Over time that shit will kill you.
Cannabis is the ultimate alternative to pills in my opinion is all I am saying. It works great for me. Edibles do a lot of wonderful things for me.


I actually agree with you on this point. I’m using it now for pain and inflammation.

I was referring to all the products i see now with “CBD” plastered all over it or HEMP based. Shit like that i usually discount as generic advertising. Sorry if it came across differently.


You definitely do have to be careful of what you buy an where you purchase it from.
Alot of “dispensaries” are just out there to make money, with shit quality product.
I honestly dont trust the majority of them.

I make my own so I don’t have to worry about the quality. Mine always do the trick for me.


I was in the grocery store today and saw cbd infused hairspray and shampoo. For me that crossed the line on what’s usable.

I wouldn’t be buying that at all. :rofl:

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Roadkill Dr. Chronnerz?

Every pound of concrete( buildings, sidewalks, stucco, mortar, basement floors, foundations etc) creates a pound of co2 as it cures. Every pound of hempcrete REMOVES permanently a pound of co2 from the atmosphere. It’s also up to 8 times lighter and 3 times stronger than concrete, as well as more flexible which is a great quality in earthquake zones. In Ireland gov’t housing is made of hempcrete. The structure, insulation, stucco, gutters, roofing tiles and more are made from hempcrete. Every home improves the environment. Literally each structure takes carbon from the atmosphere. Seems to me a no-brainer to extensively begin using hempcrete.