Art Vandelays Grow foshow

Right always behind! Thanks for coming by gonna pop on over see what you’re up to!

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Those are some beautiful plants you got there I bet the flowers are gonna wonderful!


Thank you! I sure hope I can not F this up been real easy growing of course in veg just finished Jacks bloom boost and my first water back to 321 looks like I may have burnt the tips. Let’s see if I can hold her down smoothly through flower.

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Holy smokes! Those plants are gonna rip :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::rocket::crescent_moon:
Looks awesome!! @Budderton knows where the fire is!
Well done!!


Wow!! The kushes look great @Art_Vandelay !! Nice and happy looking, just they way you want them going into flower. Don’t let the bottoms get to cluttered or you may end up with a few balls on the lowers at wk 3 ish. Your plants look like they’re gonna turn out nice for you. Best of luck with your sensi run!


Hey Thanks for coming buy!really appreciate it and it couldn’t have happened without your generosity!

How’s that look I went a little higher than usual and tried to save a couple lower sites in case I need to re veg and burnt my tips a bit but looks like they should be okay. Transplanted to Autopots and hand watering for another week or so then I can relax a little. Look okay to you? Had a couple missed sacks last grow and didn’t catch in time and was wondering how many seeds to expect :joy: got more seed than weed so going to be very vigilant this time. Have a great week all! Oh added some stakes and tomato clips to try to pen these beast up in the center. Temps around 73 on 65/67 off back up to full 321 schedule about 1200 ppm 2400 ec ph 5.7 seems to be good. Girls are 38/46”


Thanks Tappy! I would agree and if the description Sha bud described I should be pretty happy. Just got to keep her on the tracks. :crossed_fingers:





Should have gone a little harder on the defoliation.

Almost fought up. Been smooth sailing so far, still Jacks 321 full strength 1.5 Si. Per G. Cal/Mag 51/4 ml. Per G. Tribes,Humic,Fulvic Chitosa,Kelp/Yucca.

Anyone know why my pics are doubling/ tripling?