Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

Pretty much or until it effect them directly.

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Where was the outrage when enough Nuclear weapons were being produced to destroy the planet 10 times? AI is being made , here and other places too. It’s a race not to develop scary tech,but to develop protection from other folks scary tech. Evolve , or die.


Mutually AIssured Destruction.

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True words.

True words.

Stay caught up with the “bad guys” until Earth is a spinning, lifeless, joyless rock. Maybe I should carve “MoBilly was here” on a rock facing somewhere around here. You know, so the aliens can take pictures of the artwork of the lost civilization that used to inhabit this rock that was once a jewel in space.


I see what you did there! When you hear AI developers talk, it’s seldom about it considering humans as opponents. Quite the opposite, developers talk about the ability to solve problems and set policy 100 times faster than we do now. Imagine an AI congress that really represents accurately its constituency. Take away all the greed and lobbyists, just pure rational decision making. Make food easily and affordable for all folks. Help folks with physical and mental issues. Color me optimistic but this race has way more upside potential then building bombs. ML, HP


The, possible, positive uses of AI, I’m afraid, will be overshadowed by the misuse it will inevitably be turned toward.
I would love to see it used for the good of all but in my mind I hear this conversation happening.

Question: How can I end the conflict and still be able to exert control over the nation of ________ so they will copy my own vision of right and wrong.
Answer: “Exerting control” of your neighboring country is considered immoral and against the laws of humanity, DEI and the rules of the OWO (One World Order). However, It would take many many years of negotiations and decades of obvious proof that your neighbor can trust you to keep your word. And concessions must be equally and freely given.
Question: How can I expedite this scenario without conceding anything I really really want to keep or obtain?
Answer: You can not rush this and you must be willing to give as many concessions as you ask for.

Question: How do I build a bomb that is 20 times more powerful than anything known to man?

Answer: Easy peasy!!! Just take weapons grade Plutonium and… and then… and then…


This should not be too far from ya.
Maybe we can carve your face in there too…LOL

Seneca Rocks


Nuclear power comes to mind.
Very helpful but very dangerous in the wrong hands.

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Perfect example.

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I would never subject the country to looking at that much ugly carved into stone.

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So far, the uses of almost all technology has been of benefit to us. This includes our ability to talk right now. As far as concessions to aggressors, that has happened with the Nazis and we know it doesn’t work. Inevitably the best minds in science banded together to build that bomb you speak of before they could. I shudder to think if they had not. Question , are we at that point again. That we must build something that could save us ,or kill us?

My life would have ended years ago had it not been for the amazing advancement of technology. Had there not been an MRI or CT scan or replacements for destroyed skeletal parts I would have either died or had a life restricted to a chair, living in constant pain.
I am not a technology hater by any means. lol
I actually thank God for it in fact.
Negotiating with those who would, freely, die to kill you can never work. That was the AI talking in my post, not me. lol
I am also not against the idea of war for self preservation. A passivist I am not. There are necessary evils done in this world.
I was just posting about the nature of the evil we face. The nature of humans who seek power is to take what they want from those who can’t defend what they have. Technology will be used on all sides but if the “solutions” offered by AI are not what humans want to hear, those in power will modify their questions to AI in order to obtain their desired outcomes.

Am I a pessimist? I guess so. I don’t have a lot of faith in the “human” nature of world leaders. Now if you consider those out of power that is a different animal. I believe that common folk, for the most part, are good and decent. But those that are drawn to powerful positions are drawn there for the thrill of being in power and the profit it offers them and theirs. They don’t represent the human race as a whole when it comes to creating a world of peace and prosperity for all considered.


This reply has triggered even more respect for you ,from me. I Would like to cite the internet as an example of tech than is hard to currupt for nefarious purposes. I would hope that trend continues with more free discourse between common folk.Love has to be spread and connections have to be made. Can interaction with Artificial intelligence and robots bring humans to more value thier humanity. Will not this AI ,if it is really "intelligent " understand the value of humanity and make the sickness of the power seekers apparent?


One would hope that would be the case.
Fingers crossed.


are you serious? it’s a breeding ground for nefarious purposes. facebook for example, straight up evil with their algorithms pushing divisiveness and hate. and that’s just one.

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But how are you corrupted if you Know it’s an algorithm? The fact that you know it’s not true is proof of my point.Look at the people helped by reviews for products. Look at this site. Look at the ability to order an entire grow system and nutrients and clones and have it sent to your door. Look at the advancements in pot growing alone from the free sharing of information. Some are fooled by the bad actors , but many more see through that crap and reap the benefits.Look how sellers operate on Ebay,real money real people real feedback.

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ChatGPT is a perfect example of how and why an AI congress wouldn’t necessarily be more logical than the bias and agendas of its creators.


As far as I know, Facebook’s algorithms don’t actually push divisiveness and hate… they push engagement. On average, people engage more quickly and viscerally on an emotional level when they’re afraid and angry, so that’s the content that gets pushed. Arguable whether that’s a problem with Facebook or with people, though. :roll_eyes:


they can allow divisiveness and hate or they can deny it. they choose to allow it because it drives engagement. therefore the algorithm pushes divisiveness and hate. while your statement is not false, mine is more accurate. you are technically correct, but like all explanations such as this that gloss over the results, it is what allows things like this to continue.


People being human is what allows things like this to continue, but I don’t think this argument is gonna go anywhere. There’s no right answer as to how much or how little centralized control and moderation is needed to ensure that we all just get along, because it’s just not gonna happen. We’re just not designed that way. As far as your statement being more accurate… from a perspective that the right way to do things is to have Facebook clamp down hard on any disagreement, banning people and shutting it down immediately, yep, it’s more accurate. From a perspective that the right way to do things is to allow people more freedom, it’s just more evil. And from here, we start drifting into politics, so I think I’m going to stop engaging with the forum algorithm that pushes this content at me. :stuck_out_tongue:


Saying that allowing speech is equivalent to an evil algorithm that pushes divisiveness and hate is the same as saying building a road condones speeding and accidents. Please choose your statements more carefully. Happy Thanksgiving