Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

What is scary to me is that people will likely come to believe in AI and look to it for believable truth…

My Conversation With Bard, Google’s AI Chatbot Who Gets Everything Wrong

It might be trusted with a weather forecast - but then again it’d probably get that wrong too

By Debra Heine

October 30, 2023

Have you ever experienced an uncomfortable, awkward feeling because someone was lying right to your face and you didn’t quite know how to handle it? That’s what chatting with Google’s AI chatbot Bard is like.

Bard can’t stop lying about the COVID jabs, but is very contrite when its falsehoods are called out. Every time the chatbot is corrected, it apologizes profusely and promises to do a better job in the future. It’s awkward!

Bard was developed to compete with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, and was released in a limited capacity in March 2023 to “mixed reviews” according to Wikipedia.

I decided to give Bard a try after tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, a prominent COVID vaccine critic, posted his intriguing experience with it on X.

“I am not aware of a single prominent scientist who went from anti-vaxx to pro-vax. So I asked Bard,” Kirsch wrote . “You are not going to believe the response. Check this out …

Bard’s answer, let’s just say, was slightly off the mark:

Seriously? All three of the individuals mentioned—Dr. Robert Malone; Dr. Jessica Rose; and Del Bigtree, the host of the anti-vaccine broadcast The Highwire— remain vocal critics of the COVID vaccines. And despite Bard’s claim to the contrary, Drs. Malone and Rose are indeed scientists and medical experts, so their medical opinions should be taken seriously.

[Story Continues Here:]

My Conversation With Bard, Google’s AI Chatbot Who Gets Everything Wrong › American Greatness


It is not reliable and can give you false information. This is stated from the makers. I think what you’re getting at is - even when it has the capability to be correct all the time, it will give misinformation. The great thing though is that you can buy a GPU and train your own and talk with it locally on a PC if you’d like. It isn’t anywhere close to AGI… Just google 2.0. It is also important to look at how you are asking questions.

I think you pointing out this vaccine question being asked to AI says more about us then it does of AI.


Yep. The training is 100% reliant on the information provided. E.g. availability of the data sets along with any human curation. Trained networks, unfortunately, are easily biased and can be poisoned.

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Has anyone thought that it could be trained to lie?

Where did it get misinformation like this?

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People can be, why not ai? Probably even easier too


Elon Musk says the risk of advanced AI is so high that the public needs to know why OpenAI fired Sam Altman
Kenneth Niemeyer

OpenAI fired its CEO Sam Altman on Friday.

Elon Musk said OpenAI should explain why it fired Altman, citing AI’s potential dangers.

Musk previously said he left the OpenAI board in 2018 over safety concerns.

Elon Musk said the potential danger of artificial intelligence is so great that OpenAI, the most powerful AI company in the world right now, should disclose the reason it fired CEO Sam Altman.

OpenAI announced Altman’s firing Friday, saying only that the company, which makes ChatGPT, “no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading.”

Musk, responding to a post on X from former Yammer CEO David Sacks, said that “given the risk and power of advanced AI, the public should be informed of why the board felt they had to take such drastic action.”

Musk is a former OpenAI board member but left the company in 2018, citing a conflict of interest with Tesla. Musk later told CNBC, however, that he had become concerned with the company’s possible impact on society. It’s worth noting, though, that Musk’s own AI company will probably only benefit from the current chaos at OpenAI.

One reason for Altman’s ouster may have been growing tension among the company’s leadership over the dangers AI poses for humanity. Altman has aggressively sought funding to expand the technology’s development, while several other board members have called on the company to do more to mitigate any threats.

OpenAI’s cofounder Ilya Sutskever — who played a role in Altman’s dismissal — for example, has preferred to tread more carefully given AI’s potential to harm society.

The New York Times reported that Sutskever created a “Super Alignment” team within the company before Altman’s ouster to ensure that future versions of GPT-4, the technology behind ChatGPT, wouldn’t be harmful to humanity.

Yahoo is part of the Yahoo family of brands

yeah, right. so i guess now microsoft is going to be the ones to destroy us now. whole lotta hype for nothing. but it stirs interest and makes them money so it’s ok.

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Microsoft stock price hit all time high yesterday.


They finally fixed Windows 98


Bullish :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend:


When are they going to fix NT?


I want to leave. “Are you sure”? Yes I’m sure. “Are you sure that your sure”? Yes I’m sure that I’m sure. “Well if you’re sure that your sure, just validate that you’re sure one more time and we’ll believe you”.


It doesn’t have to be scary.

AI? -more like “Super Photoshop” :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Where’s my humanoid bot tasked with doing my remedial chores?? :man_shrugging:t2:


For those that say AI is not scary…how about a sub that can blast your city into ashes in just a few seconds?
That is pretty scary. :grimacing:

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sure would be if we lived in a movie.


People looking at birds flocking in the skies and thinking they’re robots is going to be the new “it’s chemtrails bruh.”

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Current hybrid cloud engineer II and yeah AI is a little bit scary…

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i think you’re all just a little too high. what’s really scary is how nobody seems to care enough to do anything more than make a few posts on social media and maybe change their profile pic to show support for a cause. where is the outrage? where are the people flocking to the streets? they have gotten everyone just a tad too comfortable to give up anything to force any real change. and they love it just that way. but sure, a few if-then statements are what keeps me up at night…(do i need the /s?)