Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

AI to the rescue.

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again, asking the wrong person if you want a definitive answer, but i would say yes based on the fact that it’s a growing website and it’s not federally legal to grow.

expanding the other post as asked: if you know someone is listening to you talk about your plans to do something semi-legal or illegal, wouldn’t you give them the wrong address or phone number to report back so you didn’t get a visit? maybe talk in code which, unlike the moves, can actually work if you trust your partner and communicate the key in person. staying anonymous on the internet is very hard but not yet impossible, but if you’re security conscience you can avoid all sorts of trouble. for now anyway.

tell ya what, if i get any queries about anything i put on my grow log for 70 seeds from any officials then i will very much report back on that grow log. it may be in a coded message if i get slapped with a no talk letter but i will put it there. look for a non-sense post of at least two paragraphs of complete and utter non-sense that is unquestionable.


But you made the claim so why would I ask someone else?


The feds could care less about 70, or 100, or more seeds.

Hell…in my state, there are 272 KNOWN illegal grows run by the chinese in rural areas… KNOWN, as in someone counted them. 1 is in between a school and a daycare. They’ve busted 2. One had 3400 plants, the other had 1100. They know that one bank in NYC has written mortgages on at least 50 of the houses.

Hasn’t been a headline that I’m aware of for an individual pot grow for as long as I can remember.


Ah, just read about that last week. Pretty wild stuff going on up in Maine.

Here’s some more AI application stuff for your Sunday Morning reading pleasure:

AI hard at work in Gaza

good thing you don’t live in tn…read this.

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By individual, I meant like “us”. A single person, growing between 1 and 10 plants at their home.
Nobody cares.

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maybe about you, but i can assure you they care. those little <10 plant ops don’t make the news but they happen all the time. just like the mass shootings you never hear about any more but then the count of them has more than there are days in the year so far. if you go looking you may find news of them but it just isn’t sensational any longer. like the 5 plants the guy got busted with a couple of towns over last month. i heard about it from a relative who is married to a cop but nothing in the papers or news. did that one not happen or was he not one of “us”?


He was arrested just for growing 5 plants? There was nothing else that got the cops to the house like a domestic violence call, selling drugs, or something like that?

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tipoff. didn’t get any details that would give away their intelligence collecting. probably showed a “friend” who wasn’t very friendly.

not sure on arrested, just raided. probably took him in though.

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So he might not have even been arrested? Man, this story is pretty interesting. So he got busted for 5 plants. But then maybe not actually busted.

oh, they took him in, they always do. not sure what ended up, may not have went to court yet. and i never would have know about that except for a random conversation. that was the point, there could be hundreds of them just not reported widely.

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I’m gonna be honest, with the lack of any actual details this seems to be made up. What county and state was this in? Should be easy enough to find, count records are public information.

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it may be, like i said, it was secondhand info that wasn’t reported anywhere else, not a primary source. i just know that the woman who told me was married to a deputy sheriff and she told me of a guy in milton wv who was busted with 5 plants in october i think it was. cabell county. i didn’t search for anything because i don’t care too much.

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First time stopping by and this is the first post I see. :joy:

“Come with me if you want to live!”, "You Must! "


I posted this higher in the thread. It is all over now and not too difficult to tell. Eventually it will be difficult to tell.

Places that have little integrity already will quickly fall to the lowest level. You can see it already with formerly prominent newspapers turned into clickbait websites.

Here…my take

Trick prompts ChatGPT to leak private data Trick prompts ChatGPT to leak private data


Remember…if the product/service you’re using is free?

You’re the product.

Gmail, anyone?

What value does Google get for maintaining trilobytes of Gmail data and the corresponding transactions to provide a “free” email service and a “free” search engine?
We’re talking billions of dollars of capital investment and software development/support.